Oh, dear.

Dec 18, 2008 12:11

You know that I love Nebraska, right? It's the state I've lived in longer than any other, and my dad's family has been here for a very long time.

But this song...this video...

image Click to view

Well, watch the parody, and you'll understand how I feel about it:

image Click to view

*shakes head* Oh, dear.

o_o, videos, bizarre-o world

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Comments 6

gillo December 18 2008, 21:28:24 UTC
I have to say, he makes a really good case for Bulimia there. *g*


enigmaticblues December 19 2008, 03:36:54 UTC


xphilehb December 19 2008, 03:29:13 UTC
But Jerusha, we're from Nebraska. I believe that says it all. :-)


enigmaticblues December 19 2008, 03:38:06 UTC
No! No, it doesn't! :P

Oh, and I wanted to tell you that as soon as I opened The Office desk calendar that I won, Tyson leaned over and said, "You should give that to Heather," which is what I was thinking. So, consider it yours. Remind me when I see you in a week or so, and I'll make sure you get it.


xphilehb December 19 2008, 03:42:56 UTC
Well, thank you both for thinking of me and my obsession. :-) Glad to see you made it home safely. I'm not looking forward to navigating the roads tomorrow.


enigmaticblues December 19 2008, 03:49:04 UTC
I brought work home with me, although I don't know if I'm going to stay here or go in. Tyson didn't think the roads were too bad here, but he has a 4 wheel drive, and that makes a huge difference in weather like this.


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