Last time:
Titania developed an unhealthy obsession with Kent
Kent befriended a wolf but did not get nibbled
Albany and his sidekick Mr Mirror made their appearance
Goneril had a band of stalkers
Albany made friends with a stray because nobody would talk to him
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Comments 18
The pictures of Titania merging with Kent have me laughing, especially the last ones in the shower. That's kinda disturbing.
I also love Patrizio's standard facial expression. It looks like he's grumpy about everything with those eyebrows.
Oh the changing into formal wear is something they do since Free Time, I think. My sims do it all the time while playing the piano but only when they have maxed hobby enthousiasm (I think they do it for the violin too).
And I love the new header image :)
The merging of bodies, and not in the Biblical sense, is getting to the disturbing point.
So that's Oberon's formal wear. How fitting. I think I shall leave it. I was debating changing it (I only changed their everyday, undies and PJs because that's what you see the most) but I think it kind of fits the madness! If he does something interesting I may go with a Napoleon theme for him ;)
Getting the angle just right for a picture is a pain but it came out lovely. And Beatdoc's houses are very lovely indeed :D (I love them)
And your header is simply beautiful!
And thank you for liking my header. This game has really great graphics, doesn't it?
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