I've been floudering a bit lately as to what to do with my game. And then I came across the Sims 3 Asylum Challenge on the journal of mickey_sims . And you guys know how much I love a good Asylum Challenge! Thus the Barnacle Bay Respite House was born. The concept is simple - rather than putting the sims in a run down facility, I decided on a backstory where
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Even though this is officially called "the Una house", the house was not made over with Natasha Una in mind. I have actually never (yet) played Natasha so I have no preconceived notions about what should be done with this house
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Last time - Following the untimely death of Oberon, The Stalker increased her stalking of Kent Patrizio got a visit from the Social Bunny Oberon started haunting with some interesting results Kent got abducted by aliens Bianca died - again Brent was born
Bianca started losing fights The residents had a sucky New Year's party I tried new skintones Love was in the air - and then it wasn't Bianca died a little bit, Oberon died a lot. Like permanently a lot.
it was looking a lot like Christmas Santa came and gave the residents a teddy bear Which promptly got sold because I don't have anti-teddy bear annoyance hacks The damn pixie stalked the wrong people and caused all sorts of drama I showed off my mad skillz at making bad CC
Kent maxed his first skill He continued his quest for lycanthropy There were several food bowl/plate pass outs Kent finally fixed the piano Titania was renamed The Stalker Everybody glitched And, of course, MOAR FIGHT!
Titania developed an unhealthy obsession with Kent Kent befriended a wolf but did not get nibbled Albany and his sidekick Mr Mirror made their appearance Goneril had a band of stalkers Albany made friends with a stray because nobody would talk to him