Today somthing bad happened. My day was going fine and i could ask to spend another day with alot of my family at my grandmas. Then when i got home, i recieved a voice mail on my cell from ________ and about 5 min later she called me and told me _________. So... now u know how 1 phone call (1 voice mail) can reck someones day.
Acorns, o god how i freakin hate acorns. I spent about 2 hours pickin up fricken acorns and to add everything up its like 58 degrees outside. Anyway its warm inside. Tripp
Today My dad and i took a 17.6 mile bike ride in a bike trail up north. Later Ian and i took a another 5 mile bike trip to wesco at 8:00. Now my legs are f***en tired.
Hey, 4got to put this in yesterday, but We won 5-4 against the first place team Flying Kick, even though were the last place team. Funny aint it? Lata, Tripp
Welllll..... im home recouperating after a brutle beat down from the U-16 SCOR today. They broke Noah and Eric J's ankle.Which pissed me off. But there were two yellowa on them and i got a kid one.Well im brusied and very beat up and resting. Later Trip.