So Frustrated...

Mar 09, 2012 06:23

My quiet time is the early morning. I get up at 3:30 am to have 2-1/2 hours of quiet, uninterrupted time to catch up with the national and local news and the stock market. I read my emails, respond to product information requests, and write my daily blog. Easy, right? Not today.

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choices, scheduling, blog, dh

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Comments 12

idleleaves March 9 2012, 12:40:40 UTC
Eef. Sorry your day didn't get started as planned. Hope the rest of it is better.


engarian March 9 2012, 13:33:43 UTC
I really hope so, because right now I am so upset. I like my quiet time, it's important to my entire day! Thanks for the positive thoughts *hugs*

- Erulisse (one L)


alexcat March 9 2012, 13:35:19 UTC
I've never actually heard of a judge letting someone off jury duty because they are self-employed. The hearing problem, maybe. Good luck to him in any event.


engarian March 9 2012, 15:03:22 UTC
Actually, he has been called before and has gotten off because he is the sole operator of his business, which is a unique business. So, we'll see if it works or not. Whatever happens, he's driving me crazy!

- Erulisse (one L)


alexcat March 9 2012, 16:37:52 UTC
His hearing problem should preclude him from serving. Sounds as if he's a bit of a worrywart! I'm that for my family. :)


engarian March 9 2012, 18:39:56 UTC
It should. He has an appointment for an Audiogram and Consult on the 21st. I'm quite sure that his hearing will get him disqualified even if his employment issues do not.

- Erulisse (one L)


aearwen2 March 9 2012, 16:31:00 UTC
Isn't he also having problems with his hearing? Wouldn't the idea that he would mishear testimony or not fully understand a judge's instructions enough?

Just a thought...

Sorry your day started on a sour note. :-(


engarian March 9 2012, 18:41:48 UTC
Although he considers his hearing loss a nuisance, those of us who deal with it daily consider it a handicap. He has an appt with the doctor (the one I was on hold with for most of Wednesday) for the morning of the 21st. That should enable him to get a letter from his doctor about how badly his hearing is truly impacted.

*hugs* thanks for the positive words :-)

- Erulisse (one L)


curiouswombat March 9 2012, 21:04:39 UTC
Oh I can just see how that would unbalance you - like the flamingo!


engarian March 9 2012, 23:27:22 UTC
I thought that Flamingo was the funniest thing I had seen in a long time - LOL. It's been an on-edge day for sure.

- Erulisse (one L)


chaotic_binky March 9 2012, 22:00:07 UTC
DH sounds quite nervous about this if he is revising that amount of times - I bet you can't wait for it all to be over.


engarian March 9 2012, 23:28:26 UTC
He gets upset anytime the government sticks its finger into our lives - the IRS, the state, it doesn't matter. All bad :-( I'll be delighted when we get a ruling and when he sees his doctor in a couple of weeks.

- Erulisse (one L)


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