I met with the GYN at my health clinic last week, to discuss treatment options. Based on multiple ultrasounds and an MRI, it looks like the cysts on my left ovary are endometriomas, so now the question is, what to do. I went in feeling fairly educated, from reading this group and all the various links y'all have posted (plus some I found myself).
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Comments 14
I just started taking supplements (an omega 3-6-9 blend, plus evening primrose oil, and some vitamin/mineral stuff), but I also changed my diet somewhat, unrelated to the endo but related to general energy/alertness, so I can't tell if it's the diet or the supplements that have been improving things. I have read up on some of the endo diet things, and wheat is pretty easy for me to eliminate, since it was making me foggy and fatigued anyway :\ (and I hadn't been eating much for years on general principles). Dairy, too, since it gives me bad acne.
The GYN I talked to didn't say much one way or the other about diet or supplements when I mentioned that.
I take it you haven't tried the Chinese medicine yet?
I hope this other doctor you are trying to see is more opening to working with you, instead of just deciding for you what to do.
Then consider a low dose oral contraceptive, one that stays at the same level at all times, so there's no fluctuation .. I dunno what you've taken & how recently, but some of the newer drugs may be better.. I wish you lick..
I've been on the lupron and I'm 22. I personally want to have a hysterectomy but they won't do that. Sending your body into a point where you're not cycling (depo does it too) is something that tends to give relief. For me I'm highly sensitive so I can't get relief from just being on the depo - and pregnancy is a crazy fear for me. I was on depo for 4+yrs and I take prenatal vitamins because there's more to offer and each (of the ones I have) have 800mg of calcium. Other than my high sensitivity the depo worked very well for me.
I have migraines and they never caused an issue as to what I was on for medication re: birth control. Actually the depo gave me less intense and fewer migraines.
I'm now at the point where, depending on the answers I get from the GYN about this surgeon she has in mind, I may put it off until I can get surgery from someone who is more experienced with this kind of situation - perhaps her guy will be fine, but I don't know enough about him yet. (Although if - and it's a stretch, I know - these things do turn out to be in any malignant, putting it off too long would be bad, but again, I won't know until they can be biopsied.)
your gyn doesn't do any surgeries or anything? Theres always the possibility your endo is microscopic too.
Good luck though!!
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