I cried during Charlie's death. ;~; That was so sad...and then they had to go and have a shot of little Turniphead and Claire! Whyyyy? *cries* I hate Patchy, that friggin' zombie monster, and no no, shooting them in the head doesn't work -- like I said, you must cut off their head, take out their brain, and then send to an underground laboratory. :P
The flashforward was awesome, dude. XD That totally took me by surprise, though I thought maybe he knew Kate before too (then I kept thinking "wtf, they didn't remember eachother on the island?"). YEY, SAWYER ENDED UP WITH KATE! \o/ C'mon, you totally know that when she was saying "he'll wonder where I am" she was talking about Sawyer. ♥ Shuddup, I am so not a delirious fangirl. XD
Oh! Also, the whole "WE NEED TO GO BACK TO THE ISLAND OMG NOW NOW" thing didn't really take me by surprise or depress me, because it's been kinda clear that the island is somewhat of a do-over for the survivors, right? How when they fell on the island great things happened to each one of them, miracles, getting over drugs, finding love, etc. REMEMBER, THE ISLAND IS MAGIC! \o/ Of course he wanted to go back, lol.
Comments 2
The flashforward was awesome, dude. XD That totally took me by surprise, though I thought maybe he knew Kate before too (then I kept thinking "wtf, they didn't remember eachother on the island?"). YEY, SAWYER ENDED UP WITH KATE! \o/ C'mon, you totally know that when she was saying "he'll wonder where I am" she was talking about Sawyer. ♥ Shuddup, I am so not a delirious fangirl. XD
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