Wow. Lost. Damn it!
On the one hand, I'm so, so glad that Jin isn't dead. REALLY glad. I was afraid there for a minute after that thing with the walkie that they really did cut Bernard, Sayid, and Jin, but yay, they're ok! And Hurley didn't die! I was afraid after Sawyer rejected him he'd go out doing something heroic. So, basically, and the "four big deaths" were "three meaningless other deaths" + Charlie, which I was prepared for. It was still horribly sad, but I'm glad that his death was heroic and noble, and he had the chance to give that last message to Des. Stupid Patchy Cyclops bastard. Really, that man keeps coming back from the dead, they should have shot him in the head just to be sure. Doesn't ANYONE watch scary movies anymore?
And the flash-forward. Wow. I wondered when they showed Jack with a beard, because we seem to have covered every freakin' inch of his life already, and he's never had that beard. But after his ex-wife came to check on him in the Hosp., I figured it was just post-divorce angst. Then there was the end, with Kate. For a min., I thought he just knew her before (or her evil twin sister, mwahaha!), but then they acted like Jack and Kate, and it was...well, officially a flash-forward. Sonofabitch. I hate time jumps. HATE. Because people are never happy when you time skip. And Jack is proof of that, right? He's a big old drunk drug-addicted mess who WANTS TO GO BACK TO THE ISLAND. WTF. Things must be really, really bad for him to start talking like Locke, being Mr. We Were Never Meant to Leave, Let's Go Back. And he's not with Kate, but wants to be - how sad is that? It'd be fine if he just weren't with her, but he wants to be, how annoying. So much for J/J. Kate's probably with Sawyer. The dead guy? Probably Locke or Ben. Kate was so repulsed at the idea of going to his funeral, it's probably Ben. Either that, or Sawyer did something to really piss her off.
Speaking of Sawyer, that might be a possibility, now that he's gone all heartless killer on us. Maybe he spends the next three seasons steadily going crazy, who knows?
Seriously, though, now we know that the ending isn't happy. That's so disappointing and sad. So they get off the island, and what, our hero Jack self-destructs so badly that Kate won't take his phone calls? Honestly, it's the reality of the situation that's so disheartening. You know that, were they to be rescued, some of the survivors probably wouldn't keep in touch and maintain their current relationships, but at least if the ending was them riding a boat into the sunset, you can imagine that they would. Now, as previously stated, we know everything goes to shit for at least Jack, and there's no way to change it. How sad.
...I wonder if next season, all the flasback eps will be flash-forward. ^^;