As a small snowdrift of papers and datapads gradually accumulated around him, X was grudgingly coming to the conclusion that he may well have a few heads to gently knock together.
Well, maybe just one.
It's rather sad that I can get more of my logging done in another universe entirely, simply because he's not here.
Yet.Gate was getting jittery
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Zanzibar chirruped smugly. He knew when he was being praised. Now that the little bronze wasn't flitting about or making off with datapads, X would probably notice the harness he was wearing. And this close, he might notice what it's made out of.
Same material as an undersheath.
So then -- what's the word .. Impressed. Impressed by someone from a world parallel to mine? Or just acquainted with one --?
"... Who's the person you're bonded with, my little winged gentleman? Someone like me?"
The skritching resumed as X asked the question.
At X's words, the little bronze chirruped and tilted his head to look up at X. Zanzibar warbled as he picked up intent and questioning from X which he understood somewhat better than the words themselves. The bronze also noticed, now that he was looking X over, that this person seemed familiar, but different ( ... )
The emotion behind the projection was considerably easier for him to understand; he'd developed a certain amount of practice dealing with emotion flung at his mind.
Well now -- if I'm understanding him correctly, and I might not be -- this could be interesting~!
"'Someone like me', indeed --"
Continuing the skritching and breaking it up a little with careful petting along Zanzibar's neck, X decided on a bit of a roll of the dice. He was certain he recalled Zero nattering about something like this --
"If I gave you a message, do you think you could bring it to him for me?"
At the mention of a message, Zanzibar chittered and looked up at him. He blinked his faceted eyes at X as he sent curiosity toward him.
X chuckled.
"Yes, a message. To your X?"
And he formulated his impression of the images Zanzibar had sent to him, and tried to project that information along with the notion of 'home'.
"Could you do that for me?
"I just want to say hello to him, is all."
X hunted out suitable paper for the message in question -- with the Hunter insignia, because he felt like being silly, and identifying himself -- and jotted down a few quick lines in neat, precise handwriting.
Hello there, X;
Quite a fine little fellow you have here! He's got a bit of a fancy for datapads, though, that you might want to see about --
It's too bad I can't ask him where you are; it would be a worthwhile meeting!
(another) X :D
Deftly folding the bit of paper into a size and shape more suitable for lizard transport, he looked back to Zanzibar.
"Now then, where shall I put this? Or would you rather carry it?"
He tried to reinforce the verbal question with images of what he meant.
If X looked closely at the harness, he'd notice that along Zanzibar's back, between and a bit behind his wings, there were slender extra loops of material that lay flat against the harness straps. They were slightly elastic like the rest of the harness and small items or bits of paper could be hooked to or tucked into the loops.
"And thank you again ~!"
"Be sure to demand a treat from him when you arrive." :3
Zanzibar warbled and then butted at X's fingers when he stopped scritching. You can't stop scritching yet! Zanzibar commands it to be so!
No wonder he reads the books so bloody often ~
"Enjoying yourself, are you?"
Highly amused by the little bronze's imperiousness, he resumed the skritching. And then he tried to scoop Zanzibar up to make said skritching a little easier.
And then the little bronze proceeded to chastisingly chatter and scold X for giving him a scare.
Trying to avoid the worst of the flailing wings, X was more than willing to let Zanzibar hang on with tail, claws, and whatever else he felt was necessary as X carefully tucked him close.
And then there was much apologetic petting, oh yes.
Zanzibar warbled and crooned as he settled into X's arms, enjoying the petting.
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