Explanation of Character Levels

Jul 25, 2008 08:45

Explaining the Levels and what's required of each

PC - Player Character
A player character, or played character, is one that is yours. Period. Nobody else can ask for them, unless you decide to Demote or drop them. A PC is required to post a minimum of twice a month.

PNPC - Plotbound Non Player Character
These guys are adoptable, but at a price. This is because they are integrated in PC character's plots. They are also required to post a minimum of once a month. If they consistently post more than that, we mods may email you and ask if you'd like to Promote them to PC. You don't HAVE to, but we'd like to remind you of the option.

NPC - Non Player Character
These are the characters in the game for grins and giggles. They aren't hugely integrated into any plots, so it won't be a disaster if someone else would like to play them. They have no posting requirements, but may post if they wish - as all characters are in the game friends list. As with the PNPC's, if they start posting regularly, we may email and ask if you'd like to Promote them to PNPC or PC. You won't HAVE to, but we'd like to remind you of the option.

How to pick up an NPC or PNPC played by someone else

If you want to pick up a character that is currently an NPC, apply for them as you would for a new character. You are not asked to continue anything the NPC did, they can come in as a brand new your character.

If you wish to pick up a PNPC, however, there are a few hoops to jump. First would be applying, and being willing to dialogue with the mods, the person currently PNPCing the character, and the people playing the characters that make this one plotbound. This is to prevent plots from exploding in anyone's faces. The PNPC's player has the right to keep the character. If they are willing to give up their PNPC to you to PC, you will be given information on what plots that character was involved in, and be willing to continue said plots where the other player left off, rather than starting anew as one might with a new PC or picking up an NPC as a PC. Should the PNPC be played by a mod, another mod will need to mediate this process. You are not guaranteed being able to pick up any PNPC's, but you are welcome to ask.

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