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Comments 2

notdan December 27 2012, 19:54:00 UTC
I loved all the Arthur/Merlin scenes; I was less keen on everything distracting us from the Arthur/Merlin scenes, especially the ones involving Gawain and Percival carrying the Idiot Ball. I'd have loved there to have been a few more episodes of Arthur knowing Merlin's secret, there could have been a lot of interesting plots there.

The more I think about, too, the more Merlin's eventual fate - standing guard for century upon century - is really upsetting.


tyrell December 27 2012, 20:30:52 UTC
I thought that was really well done. And yes, lost track of the number of JUST KISS! moments. I only saw series 1 and some of 2, but it wrapped everything up very satisfactorily and did right by the legend. Loved the Wagnery background music too!


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