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Comments 7

lyssie June 5 2011, 06:53:09 UTC
Murray Gold earns his pay once again, that attack prayer is great.

YES. <3 <3 <3 to all of this, really.


dainul June 5 2011, 07:35:23 UTC
So: a) When River was examining the space suit, she was merely acting surprised at the girl's strength? I mean if that girl was her, then she surely would remember ripping her way out of the suit. I suppose she might have been surprised at how strong she must have been.

b) Given her reaction at the lake in episode 1... I don't think the suit had that girl in it then. Memories and all?

Unless she's been suffering amnesia, but I don't think so.


poppymayhem June 5 2011, 17:44:01 UTC
There's a line in that first episode, River lowers her gun and says something like "oh, of course..." - maybe that's her remembering.
The child is a previous regeneration of River's, we see her regenerating. The River we know is the last regeneration, who knows how many there have been, memories might get a little hazier for someone who isn't full timelord?


dainul June 5 2011, 07:36:29 UTC
Also: Rory with gladius and blaster pistol... how WH40K can you get? :P


silvia_elisa June 5 2011, 14:47:34 UTC
Waitwaitwait. Is this the same order of Cleric+20 that were on the Byzantium?

Methinks so. The symbol is the same, though this seems to be some centuries ahead of ToA/F&S...

Rub some braincells together people! Do you not think that Melody Pond and River Song might just be, oh, you you, THE SAME DAMN PERSON? *sigh*

Hehe. We were all standing on the edge of our seats, checking for signs of brain activity in the bunch! :)


ephrael June 6 2011, 20:08:22 UTC
Just watched post-Maelstrom.
When Rory came in all Centurioned up and ready to smite, my first comment was 'Ni will like that'.
I like that they didn't use a direct anagram, but a thesaurus name change.
(were we supposed to be surprised by that? I like how they did it, wouldn't say I was surprised)

I'd watch the Silurian tie-in.


endis_ni June 6 2011, 20:19:19 UTC
When Rory came in all Centurioned up and ready to smite, my first comment was 'Ni will like that'.

I really, really did. You know me so well!


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