Doctor Who thoughts- now with more They Might Be Giants lyrics

Jun 04, 2011 22:42

+ Melody Pond, huh? A melody is a song...ah. Right. Let's see how long it takes my theory to get shot out of the water.

+ Wait, Cybermen? Is shit not bad enough already?

+ They don't have the Cybus logo, I see.

+ Token female soldier looks sad. I can't help feeling some Unfortunate Implications have made an early arrival.

+ "And this man is your father." I just heard two sets of shippers squee.

+ Woah! Rory clearly keep his BAMF-ness stitched into his Roman cloak.

+ It's a simple message and he's leaving out the whistles and bells...

+ Yes, yes he did. And the Atraxi took it like schoolkids who'd nicked all the Visine.

+ Ah, psychic paper training. Along with mystery sewing, these soldiers are either really hard or are borderline crazy.

+ How would you interact with headless monks? BSL, probably.

+ Waitwaitwait. Is this the same order of Cleric+20 that were on the Byzantium?

+ Oh, fat hubby is clearly doomed.

+ Victorian Silurian with katana! I demand a spinnoff of her (and her magnificently accepting maid) RIGHT FREAKIN' NOW.

+ Ah, I see, this is time to call in a shedload of favours.

+ Sontaran nurses presumably are really good at checking if their patients are Rutans in disguise.

+ That's a great penance- may your battle be zappy and glorious, commander!

+ River's Memos: I want a Roman gladiator, a Venetian dandy, oh and someone dressed as a Ancient Greek athlete. There, that shouldn't tax your uniform budget too much, should it?

+ It vaguely annoys me that River and the Doctor do all the dating off screen. I'd have loved to see if Eleven can ice skate!

+ Seeing River scared is unexpectedly terrifying.

+ Oh, blue bloke, I do hope your survive. You seem to have rather more sense than the entire order of clerics.

+ TARDIS: There's nothing wrong with being old and blue.

+ Not a trickster? Really? Someone skimmed the Doctor's admittedly rather extensive CV.

+ Lorna Bucket is almost certainly toast, which is sad because I rather like her. I can't decide if the prayerleaf is actually kind or accidentally cruel.

+ Gristly neck stumps. At least put some clockwork or something on top, that's just man

+ FINALLY! And that's not a bad look for him.

+ The monks have lightsabres why?

+ And speaking of a good look- hello, Jenny the maid!

+ Sow the dragon's teeth then bugger off sharpish. It's an oldie but a goodie.

+ Huh. That colonel is considerably brighter then I generally like opponents to be.

+ Wait, there's a Judoon? Oooh, if we're rifling the prop cupboard again, can I have some Ood and a Hath, please?

+ SPACE SPITFIRES! The RAF can take anything out of the sky!

+ Crew of 20 vs Roman Rory? Yeah, right.

+ Vs Roman Rory and the Siren's Crew! I half-expect to see her standing behind the captain with a scalpel and a show-willing expression.

+ Nah, you've had little temper tantrums before. Though I'm rather looking forward to the full-on Rage of Angels.

+ Really? Because I find a man protecting and loving his wife and baby to be pretty damn cool.

+ "Oi you. Get in here. Now." That's the tone Rory will use the day they have the inevitable threesome.

+ I...don't want to know what babies are really saying.

+ I think I've just witnessed the two most hardcore nurses in all of space/time.

+ Check it for stickers saying "this cot belongs to Susan" or similar.

+ Despite the words being about hugging Amy, this bit is clearly more about the Doctor and Rory's mutual respect.

+ Is that a mobile of Kasterberous, I wonder?

+ Yes! Silurian lady, I didn't catch your name but that's a great question.

+ Ah, I see. Rory and Amy's respective gametes were gently baked by artron energy...assuming it was an accident of course.

+ Honeymoon? Okay, wedding night is also good.

+ Waitwaitwait. This is the Pandorica conspiracy having another go, isn't it? Sure,the species makeup has changed over the ages, but project Fuck With The Doctor is clearly still a go.

+ Murray Gold earns his pay once again, that attack prayer is great.

+ Ah, Mr Maldovar has clearly grasped the Idiot Ball. Still, I'll be sad to see him go.

+ So that's not the baby- nope, definitely not. Babies have spurted some alarming things on their mothers before now, but not generally Flesh.

+ Amy's broke, Nurse Strax is dead, Lorna's on her way out...well, sod.

+ Yeah, River, I generally love you, but that's not the opening line we need right now.

+ Okay, I take that back. Finally, finally someone is calling him out on forever trading on his fucking reputation. I'll be cheering at the back here if anyone needs me.

+ Rub some braincells together people! Do you not think that Melody Pond and River Song might just be, oh, you you, THE SAME DAMN PERSON? *sigh*

+ Okay, my Gallifreyan is a bit rusty here, folks...

+ Amy's gonna kill something. She's had quite enough for one day, frankly.

+ Yes! Called it! Please imagine my obnoxious little victory dance.

Okay, that was a lot of bouncing up and down and yelling at the scream. Oh dear, I think I may even have committed exercise.

doctor who

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