Birthday!gift: Explorations 2

Aug 16, 2009 16:38

Title: Explorations 2
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Word count: 620
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sexual activity (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age)
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Additional disclaimer: Author is not responsible for underage readers. ( Read more... )

content: use of toy(s), gift: birthday, content: pwp, rating: nc17, content: wanking

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Comments 20

crimsonxangel12 August 16 2009, 22:17:49 UTC
gah, you've always got the best last lines! that was great!


enchanted_jae January 26 2014, 17:06:07 UTC
Good grief, I never replied to any comments here.



Sorry. Thanks for reading all those years ago!

*irons hands*


treacle_tartlet August 16 2009, 22:29:38 UTC
*giggle* Hot with a hilarious last word! Excellent, honey!


valkyrie17 August 16 2009, 23:59:41 UTC
Oopsie! Always a good idea to read the directions FIRST:)


chiaki_ayumi August 17 2009, 02:52:41 UTC


ethelcat August 17 2009, 03:26:49 UTC
Why do I think the boys will be fighting over who gets to have his anal explored?


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