Birthday!gift: Explorations 2

Aug 16, 2009 16:38

Title: Explorations 2
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Word count: 620
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sexual activity (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age)
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Additional disclaimer: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Observe the rating and warnings.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for snitcheyes411, who asked for a sequel to Explorations, featuring the Anal Explorer.
Summary: Draco gets to try out that bad boy.

"The Anal Explorer?!" Draco exclaimed. "What's wrong, Harry? Aren't I big enough for you?" He was slightly miffed.

"That bad boy is for your arse, not mine," Harry informed him.

"Indeed?" Draco seemed intrigued. Opening the box, he dumped its contents on the bed, raising an eyebrow at the pump that came with the toy. "Er...?"

"Read the instructions," suggested Harry, reaching for the toy.

Draco scowled at him, but he picked the instructions up in any case and began to peruse them. As he read, his cock began to twitch with interest once more. "Harry expands," he breathed.

"Really? Maybe you should use it on me first."

"I think not!" Draco snorted. "You bought it for me, and I get to try it first."

"Fine," Harry snapped back. They glared at one another a moment and then burst into laughter. "Where's the lube?" Harry asked. Draco tossed it to him, and he caught it deftly. "You'll need some serious prepping for this bad boy," he said, indicating that Draco should turn over.

Draco rolled to his stomach and tucked his knees beneath him, raising his arse in the air.

Harry drizzled a copious amount of lubricant over his fingers and went to work slicking and stretching Draco's hole. "Ready, love?" he eventually asked.

"Yes!" gasped Draco. He'd been writhing and moaning for too long as it was, and that was just from the finger-fucking Harry was giving him.

Harry brought the slender tip of the plug to Draco's slackened entrance and inserted it. He then carefully pushed the toy in, one hand on the narrow piece before the base and one hand splayed over the small of Draco's back to keep him still. Once the toy was in place, Harry palmed Draco's arse cheeks and kneaded them around the intrusion in his arse. "How does that feel?" he asked.

"Brilliant," Draco panted, squirming on the bed.

Harry nipped Draco's bum before soothing the small sting with a lick and a kiss. "Are you ready for me to inflate this now?"

Draco nodded quickly. "Yes, Harry. Please!"

Harry took the attached pump in hand and gave it a few squeezes, causing the plug inside of Draco to expand.

"Ungh aaah," Draco cried, hips undulating.

"More?" Harry rumbled. His cock was rigid with jealousy, and he gave it a few soothing strokes.

"More!" Draco agreed, fumbling beneath himself to tug his own cock. The plug inside him inflated and stretched him further, leaving him with an incredible feeling of fullness. His breath was nearly sobbing from him now, and he couldn't stop twisting and hunching his hips. Harry gave the plug a few more pumps, and Draco was done. His voice rose on a shrill cry as his cock jerked in his hand and coated his fingers with his release.

Harry was so inspired by the sight of Draco's hole contracting and spasming around the base of the plug that his own climax sizzled through him. He directed his cock so that he spurted over Draco's arse, leaving it striped and dripping with his come.

Draco wilted forward, not caring that his face was mashed into the pillow. Once his pulse and respiration had returned to a near-normal level, he turned his head and sighed, "That was..." Words failed him.

"Mm, it certainly was," Harry murmured from where he was slumped in a half-sitting position. He sat up straight as a thought occurred to him. "Did the instructions say how to deflate that thing?"

content: use of toy(s), gift: birthday, content: pwp, rating: nc17, content: wanking

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