Birthday!gift: Precious and Perfect

Aug 16, 2009 00:42

Title: Precious and Perfect
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Mpreg, m/m sex (characters are of age)
Word count: 550
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for molnou, who asked for a sequel to One of Each, featuring top!Harry.
Summary: Harry and Draco welcome their babies.

"Harder, damn you!"

"The healer said...we have to be careful," Harry puffed, striving to keep his thrusts slow and even.

From where he was crouched in front of his husband, Draco glared back at him over his shoulder. "Careful doesn't mean you...have to shag me like a girl," he snarled. He was six months pregnant with twins, he was uncomfortable and grouchy, and all he wanted was some feel-good sex with his husband. Draco had to keep both hands on the bed for balance, and he wasn't certain Harry could even reach his cock. However, if Harry would only bang his prostate just so, Draco could achieve the climax he so desperately yearned for. Alas, such was not to be. "For fuck's sake, Harry!" Draco cried, feeling the results of his husband's pleasure spurt inside of him.

"Sorry," Harry muttered. He waited until his breathing returned to normal before pulling carefully out of Draco. "Roll over, love, and I'll suck your willy for you."

Draco sighed and lay down before rolling over. "Can you even find my willy?" he asked, an edge of sarcasm in his voice.

"Yes, it's waving at me," joked Harry.

"I'd smack you if it wasn't such an effort."

Harry chuckled and wrapped a hand around his husband's cock, pulling it away from the underside of his belly. Closing his lips over the flushed crown, he drew it into his mouth and swirled his tongue over the tip. Draco hissed and arched up. Harry stilled him with a hand on one thigh, then hollowed his cheeks and applied suction. Draco's fingers clenched in the sheets as he twisted impatiently on the bed, surrendering to Harry's talented mouth. His husband's name was on his lips when he came.


As Draco's pregnancy progressed, his activities were restricted more and more until he was eventually confined to bed rest for the final few weeks. Nevertheless, it was still nearly two weeks early when he poked Harry from a sound sleep and insisted they needed to go to St Mungo's right now.

Through the ordeal that followed, Harry held Draco's hand and offered encouragement. However, when their newborn son didn't draw his first breath for agonizingly long moments, it was Harry clinging to Draco for support. The baby finally let loose with a thin squall, and both his fathers released their own held breaths.


Draco stared down at the sleeping face of his infant son. He had been reluctant to surrender his daughter and had needed to be enticed with the lure of holding his son, instead. Draco was propped up in bed holding Lucas, while Harry sat in the chair next to him cooing at Lila. The babies were as different as night and day. Lucas had a head of dark hair, and what hair Lila had was fine and blonde. She seemed to settle more easily, whereas Lucas fussed frequently. Draco wouldn't have believed he could love anyone as fiercely as he loved these two tiny babies.

"What do you think of them?" Harry whispered.

Draco glanced up at him and smiled. "They're precious and perfect."

Harry smiled back. "I told you they would be beautiful."

content: oral, content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), content: mpreg, rating: r

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