Strawberry Beads

Aug 12, 2009 00:06

Title: Strawberry Beads
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Word count: 1215
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, rimming, bondage, foodsmut (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age)
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Additional disclaimer: Author is not responsible for ( Read more... )

content: use of toy(s), content: established relationship, content: pwp, rating: nc17, content: rimming, comm: harrylovesdraco, comm: hd_pots_n_porn, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: foodsmut, content: bondage

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Comments 49

brissygirl August 12 2009, 06:48:45 UTC
That was deliciously hot and dirty and YUMMY!

I would be a jibbering mess if Harry did something like that to me.


enchanted_jae August 13 2009, 00:39:09 UTC
I think any of us would be. *nods*


tomatoe18 August 12 2009, 07:12:39 UTC
Wow. :O Just...... wow.

That was too hot for words.


enchanted_jae August 13 2009, 00:39:59 UTC
*beams* Thank you!


fancypantsdylan August 12 2009, 07:26:23 UTC
oh my that was very hot (& sticky, hehe) I will never look at strawberries the same way again :). oh I just nearly died laughing at the last line *giggles*


enchanted_jae August 13 2009, 00:41:09 UTC
Maybe warming Draco up like that wasn't such a good idea. *laughs*


monster_o_love August 12 2009, 07:27:50 UTC
Holy wow!!!! err... Harry gets a triple-X in transfigurations? lolz! Man, that was deliciously HOT!!!


enchanted_jae August 13 2009, 00:42:54 UTC
Professor McGonagall would be so proud!


Or not. *giggles*


lijahlover August 12 2009, 08:15:36 UTC
OMG just OMG soooooo brilliant and hot I love this fic :)

The spell and rimming I adore this and you :)


enchanted_jae August 13 2009, 00:43:52 UTC
I think I've written more rimming in the past two weeks than in the past two years. *blushes*


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