Strawberry Beads

Aug 12, 2009 00:06

Title: Strawberry Beads
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Word count: 1215
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, rimming, bondage, foodsmut (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age)
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Additional disclaimer: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Observe the rating and warnings.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for adorkablefae, who asked for kinky H/D bondage fic. You did say "kinky", yes? *blushes*
Also written for:
harrylovesdraco Challenge #8 - the dog days of summer
hd_pots_n_porn - Prompt #20 - berries
Summary: Harry heats things up in the bedroom.

The dog days of summer had settled in with a vengeance. Harry didn't mind the heat, but Draco was positively wilting. For once, Draco was singing the praises of a Muggle invention as he cranked up the aircon in their flat to near arctic levels. Harry found it too cool, but he didn't dare fuss with the temperature setting. One nasty hex from his grouchy boyfriend had been enough.

Harry, however, had a plan to turn up the heat in the bedroom.


While Draco was in the shower, Harry got everything ready in the bedroom before lying down to await his boyfriend's arrival.

Draco strode out of the en suite bathroom and hesitated. "What are you up to?" he asked, eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Harry smirked at him. "About eight inches," he said, flicking the covers back to reveal his erection.

Draco shook his head in exasperation, but his gaze was firmly fixed on Harry's cock. "Is that for me?" he asked, prowling closer to the bed.

Harry shivered in delight and arousal...and genuine chill. It was damned cold in their bedroom! "Yes," he answered, "and I have a surprise for you, too."

"Indeed?" Draco drawled, joining Harry on their large bed. "What does this surprise entail?" As he spoke, Draco reached for Harry's prick.

Harry pushed his hand away. "Not yet, my greedy one," he laughed. Draco huffed and withdrew his questing hand. "I hope you're in the mood to play," Harry said, holding up a length of silken cord.

Draco visibly quivered, and his tongue darted out to wet his lips. "I'm always in the mood to play," he purred.

"Lie down and raise your hands over your head," Harry instructed. Draco shimmied down to lie flat on his back, and he put his hands up behind his head. Harry wound the silk cord around Draco's wrists, looping it through the headboard and tying it. "Comfortable?" he asked.

Draco gave his bonds a tug. "It's fine," he nodded. Harry pulled two more cords from the basket next to the bed. "What is that for?" Draco questioned.

"Ankles, too," Harry smirked.

"Kinky," grinned Draco.

Harry skimmed his boyfriend's pyjama bottoms off of him, revealing Draco's erection, before he pulled Draco's legs apart and secured each ankle to the bed posts.

"Harry," Draco complained as his breath came in quick puffs.

"Patience, love," Harry said. He rummaged in the basket once more and came up with a set of red anal beads. They were graduated in size, the first one being small and the following beads getting progressively larger.

"Fuck me," Draco wheezed, cock twitching eagerly.

"Oh, I intend to," Harry assured him. "Eventually." He set the beads aside in favor of grasping a wedge-shaped pillow. "Lift up for me." Draco raised his hips obediently, and Harry jammed the pillow beneath his boyfriend's arse. He retrieved a vial of strawberry-flavored lubricant from the basket. He slicked his fingers and worked one and then another into Draco's waiting hole. Draco gasped and twisted on the bed as Harry finger-fucked him. Harry watched Draco carefully, and when he deemed his boyfriend was becoming too aroused, he withdrew his fingers and snapped a cock ring on Draco's rampant erection. Draco mewled in distress.

Harry held the beads aloft and then brought the smallest of them to Draco's fluttering, dilated rim. He nudged it inside, and Draco squirmed at the sensation. Harry continued feeding the beads into Draco, and his greedy hole accepted each new intrusion with a spasm of delight. Once the largest bead was in place, Harry tugged gently on the ring at the end of the string of beads. Draco whimpered and twisted his hips. "There's one thing I forgot to tell you," Harry whispered. Draco's eyes opened, dark with desire. "These aren't beads at all," Harry remarked. "They're transfigured strawberries."

"Wh-what?" Draco choked, struggling to comprehend what Harry had told him.

"You know how much I love strawberries," Harry added. As he spoke, he leaned close, head between Draco's legs and breath hot on Draco's over-sensitized hole. Harry muttered an incantation, and the first hard bead inside Draco's arse changed shape and texture. Harry tugged on the ring, pulling it slowly forth. Draco's tight muscles contracted around the large strawberry, and juice dribbled from his hole. Harry lowered his head to lap the juice up, tongue swiping over Draco's rim and the strawberry that protruded from it. He nibbled on the berry and continued withdrawing it slowly as he ate it. When the remainder of the berry popped free, Harry ate all but the very top of it and the stem. "Mm, delicious," he declared. He pulled the string carefully, bringing another bead to Draco's entrance. Again, he muttered a spell, and the bead reverted to berry form. It, too, was withdrawn from Draco's hole, dripping juice and leaving him smeared with the berry's essence. Harry ate the crushed berry with enthusiasm and lapped Draco's rim clean, only to repeat the process over and over with each transfigured berry-bead.

By the time the final berry had been extracted from Draco's arse and eaten, he was a whimpering, writhing mess on the bed. His cock was flushed nearly as red as his strawberry-stained rim, and his hole was clenching and contracting with need.

Harry sat back on his heels and licked his reddened lips. Reaching for the lubricant, he poured some in his palm and stroked it up and down the length of his aching penis. Crawling up between Draco's wide-spread thighs, Harry removed the cock ring and nudged Draco's sticky hole with the tip of his prick. Leaning down, Harry captured Draco's mouth in a flavorful snog as he penetrated him. In two thrusts, Harry jabbed Draco's prostate, and his boyfriend convulsed under him with a harsh, wordless cry of pent-up pleasure. He pulsed between their bodies as the waves of his orgasm rolled through him.

Harry didn't take the time to enjoy Draco's climax; he was too intent on his own. He drove himself into Draco's trembling body again and again, savoring the way Draco tightened around him with each small aftershock. Harry increased the speed and force of his thrusts until he was pounding into Draco's pliant body. When his balls drew up tight, Harry slammed in once more and groaned as his cock spurted into Draco's channel, filling him with creamy spunk.

It was long minutes before either of them moved or spoke. Eventually, Draco heaved a sigh and said, "You're crushing me."

Harry pulled free of him and managed to roll almost completely off of Draco. He fumbled for his wand and released Draco from the cords that had bound him to the bed. "Alright?" he asked.

Draco stretched, and a blissful smile settled on his face. "Mmhmm," he murmured, snuggling close. And then...



"I'm hot; turn up the air."

content: use of toy(s), content: established relationship, content: pwp, rating: nc17, content: rimming, comm: harrylovesdraco, comm: hd_pots_n_porn, gift: birthday, content: top!harry, content: foodsmut, content: bondage

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