Birthday!gift; AWDT: Past the Wards

Aug 12, 2009 23:35

Title: Past the Wards
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Narcissa, Ron/Hermione, OFC
Word count: 1010
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg, violence, sap
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for ebilgatoloco, whose prompt was mpreg. Also written for the current awdt prompt of "It's not fair that he's prettier than me."
Summary: Draco fumes, and Harry grins.

"It's not fair that he's prettier than me."

Harry glanced up from the glossy magazine he was perusing in the waiting room to see Draco scowling at the back cover of it. Harry turned the magazine over and saw an emaciated blond boy wearing some famous designer's clothing. "Don't be daft," he snorted. "No one is prettier than you are."

Appeased, Draco all but preened in his seat. His mood soured again quickly. "When will it be my turn?" he complained. "I have things to do today."

Harry doubted Draco had anything more pressing to attend to than tea with his mum, but he wisely kept his mouth shut. They were at St Mungo's so Draco could see a healer. Lately, he had been having difficulty keeping food down, and he was tired and irritable. Well, more irritable than usual. Harry was worried that some of the potions Draco dabbled with had made him ill.

When Draco's name was finally called, he reached for Harry's hand and said, "Come in with me."

Harry nodded, knowing that his boyfriend was nervous and would need moral support.


The medi-witch finished waving her wand over and around Draco. She pursed her lips and made a notation on a chart.

"How long do I have?" Draco asked, half in jest.

"About eight months, I'd reckon," she replied absently. When her answer was met with twin gasps of dismay, she looked up to see two very pale young men staring at her in horror. "Relax, Mr Malfoy," she said. "You're not dying, you're pregnant."

"No!" Draco cried.
"Yes!" Harry exclaimed at the same time.

Draco turned to glare at his boyfriend.

"We're going to have a baby!" Harry beamed, grinning in the face of Draco's obvious ire.

"But, we were careful," Draco whined, shifting his attention to the medi-witch as if beseeching her to come up with another diagnosis.

"Hah!" Harry crowed in victory. "I finally slipped one past your wards!" His celebration was cut short when Draco's fist crashed into the side of his face.


On the way to Malfoy Manor to have tea with Narcissa, Draco lectured Harry. "I will tell Mum the news," he stated. "I'll need to break it to her gently."

"Won't she be happy for us?" Harry asked. His face was decorated with a soppy grin and a colorful shiner.

"I expect she'll be happy to hear she will finally have a grandchild, but I don't think she'll be as pleased to be faced with the proof that you and I are more than just 'close friends', as she's been telling everyone for years," Draco sighed.


"What has happened to your face, Mr Potter?" Narcissa asked with a frown of disapproval. "You look as if you've been brawling." The last was said with a disdainful sniff.

"We're going to have a baby!" Harry chirped.

Draco's forehead thunked onto the table.

Narcissa gaped at both of them in astonishment before she recovered her usual aplomb. "You'll be getting married, of course," she said. "As soon as I can arrange it, in fact."


"You're having a baby?!" squealed Hermione, throwing her arms around Harry and then Draco.

After they had escaped Malfoy Manor, Harry and Draco's next stop was to visit Ron and Hermione.

"Congratulations, mate," Ron grinned, shaking Harry's hand.

"How exciting," gushed Hermione. "I didn't know you were even trying for a baby."

"We weren't trying," Draco snapped.

"Well, I was," beamed Harry.


Draco was beginning to suspect he'd punched Harry in the head too hard. His boyfriend was humming happily to himself as they got ready for bed that night.

"Your mother took the news well," Harry remarked.

"She is insisting that we get married," Draco reminded him.

Harry's humming stopped. "Don't you want to get married?" he asked.

"You haven't exactly proposed, you know," Draco replied. He sounded churlish, but he couldn't help it.

Harry sat on the bed next to Draco. "I've been meaning to," he said, giving Draco's hand a squeeze.

"You're just saying that," Draco pouted.

"No, I'm not," Harry replied with a soft, encouraging smile. "Go look in my sock drawer. Go on," he urged when Draco turned a skeptical frown on him.

Nerves dancing with excitement, Draco got up and rushed to Harry's dresser. He opened the top right hand drawer and peered inside. He saw nothing but a tangle of socks. Draco reached inside and pawed about until his fingers encountered a small, solid object. He grasped it and pulled it out. It was a black velvet jeweler's box, and his heart stuttered in his chest. "May I...?"

"Open it."

Draco lifted the lid to find an emerald tastefully set in a gleaming platinum band. He could only stare at it until Harry spoke into his ear.

"Will you marry me, Draco?"

Draco hadn't even heard him approach. "Harry, I don't know what to say-"

"Say yes."

"I've been such an arse, and I hit you, and..."

"Say yes."

"...I'm going to be moody and emotional, and I'll get fat and ugly, and-"

"Draco. Say yes."

Draco stopped babbling and met Harry's eyes. The love he saw shining there made his breath catch. Harry told Draco often enough that he loved him, but there was nothing like seeing the truth of it in his boyfriend's open, unguarded expression. There was nothing more Draco could say, other than, "Yes."

Harry released a relieved, pent-up breath and angled his head to snog Draco until Draco's toes curled. He raised his head and favored Draco with another goofy smile.

"Marriage and parenting will require a lot of work," Draco cautioned.

"We'll work on it together," promised Harry. "We'll be married--a team."

"We'll argue," Draco warned him.

Harry nodded. "Yes, but not in front of Baby Potter," he said, leaning in for another kiss.

Draco planted a hand in Harry's chest to hold him at bay. "You mean Baby Malfoy."

content: established relationship, content: mpreg, content: fluff, content: proposal, content: humor, gift: birthday, rating: pg, comm: awdt

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