Birthday!gift: Swamped

Aug 10, 2009 21:41

Title: Swamped
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco, Harry (pre-slash)
Word count: 1045
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Sad lack of sex
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for bdtinkerpot, whose prompt was swamp or bayou.
Summary: Draco goes in search of potions ingredients, and Harry has a fine arse.

Despite the fact that it was mid-morning, the Forbidden Forest was dimly lit and filled with sounds and furtive movements that raised the hair on the back of Draco's neck. However, it was necessary for him to make this trek to gather ingredients for potions. He was the new Potions Professor at Hogwarts, and he needed to replenish the stores. Draco was beginning to regret sneering at Potter's offer to accompany him. Instead, he had said, "I don't need a nanny, Potter. I can manage on my own." In retrospect, it would have been prudent to have the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor with him. Not that Draco couldn't take care of himself, but some company would have been nice. He could have made Potter walk ahead while he ogled his colleague's arse. Draco had to admit, Potter did have a fine arse.

Draco was relieved when he reached his destination without incident. He needed some plants that only grew in wetlands, and there was a marshy area within the Forest. Wrinkling his nose in distaste, Draco forged into the swamp in search of the various grasses and seeds he required. As he began cutting and gathering the plants and tucking them into a pouch on his belt, Draco relaxed, and his vigilance waned. He flinched and drew his wand when he felt something brush past his lower leg where he was knee-deep in the brackish water. Heart in his throat, Draco stood listening and poised for flight. When nothing further happened, he calmed himself and put his wand away before returning his attention to his task.

Draco was caught by surprise as something wound around his ankles and pulled his feet out from under him. He had time for only one short yelp before he went under the water and got a mouthful of the foul tasting stuff. Flailing, Draco broke the surface of the water and drew in a quick gulp of breath. His eyes widened in horror upon seeing he was in the coils of a gigantic, mottled green serpent. Draco tried to draw his wand to free himself, but another coil rose from the shallow water and wrapped around his upper body, pinning Draco's arm to his side. He shouted in panic and tried to pry the snake away from him. Instead, he was dragged under again.

Draco's lungs were burning by the time he broke the surface once more, and he feared he was going to die in this desolate swamp. He heard a menacing hiss, and it took a moment for Draco to realize it wasn't coming from the snake that had him in its unrelenting grip. Dear Merlin, were there two of them? The snake thrashed, and Draco slipped below the water, but not before he saw someone standing at the edge of the swamp. He hoped the person would try to save him, and that it wouldn't be too late.

The coils about Draco loosened, and he was able to struggle to the surface and gasp in a desperate breath of air. Shockingly, the snake released him and slithered away with barely a splash to mark its passing. Draco sat up in the slimy water, moss decorating his hair. He was shaking too badly to stand just yet.

"Get out of there," a voice called from the edge of the swampy area, "unless you're waiting for that snake's bigger brother to come along."

That was the impetus Draco needed to clamber to his feet and slog out of the water. Once he was on solid ground, he bent over and disgorged the brackish water he had inadvertently swallowed. Straightening, Draco raised a trembling hand and pushed his dripping hair from his eyes. Potter stood before him, a concerned expression on his face. Of course, it would be Potter to witness Draco's humiliation and near-death. The man had an uncanny knack for happening upon Draco at his worst.

"Alright there, Malfoy?" asked Potter.

"Yes, no thanks to you," Draco spat. "You could have waded in there to help me instead of hugging the shore like a Hufflepuff!"

Potter had the nerve to snicker. "I didn't have to wade in there to tell the snake to release you."

"Excuse me?" Draco glanced up from wringing muddy water out of his hair.

"Parseltongue, Malfoy," Potter smirked. "I can still speak to snakes, and I ordered that one to release you."

Draco was mortified. Not only had Potter seen his embarrassing struggle with the snake, but he had saved Draco--AGAIN!--and now Potter was seeing Draco like this. He was filthy and dripping wet. Grimacing, Draco reached for his wand, only to have Potter draw his and flick a cleaning charm at him. "Thank you," Draco muttered ungraciously. He felt better, but he was in dire need of a hot shower and some equally hot tea. "What are you doing here, anyway?" he asked, wondering why it had just occurred to him to question Potter's presence.

Potter gave him a sheepish grin. "I Disillusioned myself and followed you to make sure you didn't get into any trouble," he admitted. While Draco tried to come up with a suitable retort, Potter asked, "Do you have everything you need?"

Miraculously, the pouch Draco had been placing grasses in was still attached to his belt. "Yes, I have enough," he sighed.

"Shall I escort you back to the castle?" Potter offered gallantly.

Draco blushed, and he hoped the grime on his face would prevent Potter from noticing. "Why don't you, er, take the lead, and I'll follow you?" he countered.

Potter gave him a quizzical look, but he turned without a word and began striding along the path that led through the Forest and back to Hogwarts.

Draco fell into step behind him, eyes on Potter's firm backside. Not only did he feel much safer in Potter's company, but the scenery was much improved, as well.



"Stop ogling my arse."

gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: pre-slash, profession: professor(s)

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