HD500, first attempt

May 25, 2009 17:29

Because I initially read the line of dialogue as "But honey, we HAVE ALL our kinks, right?", this is what I wrote:

Title: We Have All Our Kinks
Author: enchanted_jae
Rating: R
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word Count: 510
Author's note: First attempt, in which I misread the prompt dialogue.
Summary: Draco suffers a tragic loss, but Harry reminds him of the ( Read more... )

content: use of toy(s), content: flangst, content: established relationship, content: bondage, rating: r

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Comments 13

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enchanted_jae May 25 2009, 22:44:33 UTC
I must admit, I believe I like the other attempt better than this one. *shrugs*

I am thinking, however, I may at some point have to write a tussling H/D in which one of them overpowers and cuffs the other. Yum!


aprettyeternity May 25 2009, 23:02:54 UTC
Why are all of my hiatuses fail.
...and some more <333333333333333333333333333333
(I missed this and you. :3)


cleo_jay May 25 2009, 23:24:48 UTC
LOL! Well, that's one way to take his mind off the thieving bastards!! Go Harry! ;D

I see what you mean about flip-flopping the words having a completely different meaning & spin to the phrase! You did great with both! *squishes* :D


sassy_cissa May 26 2009, 02:14:39 UTC


Have all our kinks! whee! ravenpan May 26 2009, 03:29:26 UTC
I needed that :)


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