HD500, first attempt

May 25, 2009 17:29

Because I initially read the line of dialogue as "But honey, we HAVE ALL our kinks, right?", this is what I wrote:

Title: We Have All Our Kinks
Author: enchanted_jae
Rating: R
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word Count: 510
Author's note: First attempt, in which I misread the prompt dialogue.
Summary: Draco suffers a tragic loss, but Harry reminds him of the good things in life.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al.

Nothing good ever came of drinking Muggle alcohol. Draco knew this, but there were times when he forgot. Tonight, for instance, Draco and Harry had gone to a Muggle pub that was hosting an amateur talent event. Draco had gone to participate in the competition at Harry's urging. Draco enjoyed singing, and once Harry had discovered that his boyfriend had a pleasant voice, he had bought Draco a guitar and paid for him to take lessons once a week with a private tutor. Draco had taken to the instrument like a kneazle to cream, and he found he enjoyed performing in small venues such as pubs.

Generally, Draco didn't drink on such occasions, but he had been celebrating a second-place finish in the talent competition. Muggle alcohol didn't simply lower Draco's inhibitions, it also lowered his usual level of wariness for most things Muggle. It was this relaxing of his guard that had allowed a tragedy to occur. Draco scowled as he thought of it, his mind busy plotting revenge.

Harry chose that moment to enter the room, and he paused at the sight of Draco's fierce expression. "Still angry, then?" he asked. Draco had been in a right foul mood since Harry had all but dragged him from the pub, and it had taken some drastic measures to get him to calm down.

"Yes, Harry," Draco replied tersely. "Given the circumstances, I believe it is warranted." For emphasis, he tugged on the handcuffs, which bound him to the headboard.

Harry set down the can of whipped cream and the jar of chocolate sauce he'd brought into the bedroom with him. "It was an unfortunate situation," he commented, crossing the room to open the closet door.

"An unfortunate situation?!" Draco echoed in disbelief. "Is that what they're calling it these days?"

"Don't you think you're overreacting?" Harry scolded as he rummaged in the back of the closet.

"Overreacting?! Someone stole my guitar!" Despite his ire, Draco was fully aroused. Tussling with his boyfriend, being stripped naked and handcuffed to a bed tended to have that effect on him.

"I'll buy you a new guitar," Harry told him, voice muffled by the items in the closet.

"That's not the point," Draco blustered. "I lost the competition, and insult was added to injury when someone nicked my guitar, as well."

Harry emerged from the closet with a whip in hand. He shook it out and flicked it in the direction of the door, nodding to himself as it made a sharp crack. Turning his attention to his boyfriend, Harry grinned at Draco in a manner most wicked. Drawing his arm back, he snapped the whip once more, satisfied when it connected with Draco's thigh, drawing a whimper of pain and need from him. "You may have lost the competition and your guitar," Harry purred, cocking his arm again, "but honey, we have all our kinks, right?"

content: use of toy(s), content: flangst, content: established relationship, content: bondage, rating: r

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