Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge # 176: Spun from the Same Yarn

Oct 04, 2020 16:14

October is my favorite month. It's been chilly, but at least the sun is shining today, and all 983 cats got outside for some fresh air and sunshine.

This month's JMDC prompt is a short list of words: fancy, fill, frivolity, funny, future or any variation of said words. Use one, some or all. Feel free to write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, ( Read more... )

challenge: jmdc, gift: jmdc, content: fluff, rating: pg, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), comm: slythindor100

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Comments 20

sassy_cissa October 4 2020, 21:40:11 UTC
oh that was delightful and I love how you used the Slyth100 prompt ♥


enchanted_jae October 6 2020, 02:20:48 UTC
It was a fun prompt to use. Glad you enjoyed it!


twistedm October 4 2020, 22:14:09 UTC
his OWN Weasley jumper?!
[sniff I'm not crying, there's just something in my eye shush]


enchanted_jae October 6 2020, 02:21:07 UTC
A matching red one with a big, white D on the front.



adafrog October 5 2020, 01:11:24 UTC


enchanted_jae October 6 2020, 02:21:35 UTC
Draco loves his hubby and their little mini-Harry look-alike. Hee!


ragnarok_08 October 5 2020, 05:37:59 UTC
Awww ♥


enchanted_jae October 6 2020, 02:21:47 UTC
Thanks for reading!


lijahlover October 6 2020, 03:13:27 UTC
Awwww this was so sweet :)


enchanted_jae October 10 2020, 02:35:53 UTC
Glad you liked it!



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