Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge # 176: Spun from the Same Yarn

Oct 04, 2020 16:14

October is my favorite month. It's been chilly, but at least the sun is shining today, and all 983 cats got outside for some fresh air and sunshine.

This month's JMDC prompt is a short list of words: fancy, fill, frivolity, funny, future or any variation of said words. Use one, some or all. Feel free to write/draw any fandom, pairing, threesome, ( Read more... )

challenge: jmdc, gift: jmdc, content: fluff, rating: pg, content: established relationship, content: kid(s), comm: slythindor100

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Comments 20

digthewriter October 9 2020, 18:11:23 UTC
aaaaaaahhh i almost forgot to drop a link here.




enchanted_jae October 10 2020, 02:36:09 UTC
Drop those links, girl!



bleedingangel84 October 9 2020, 18:48:37 UTC
Aww, this is just lovely! I adore any fic with Draco in Weasley jumpers. This made me feel nice and cosy and happy. Thank you so much for writing it for me, and I again apologise for not providing a prompt. That pesky RL just won't let me wallow in fandom as much as I'd like.


enchanted_jae October 10 2020, 02:37:03 UTC
Don't worry about the no-prompt; I worry more that I may write something you didn't want. Eek!


Glad you enjoyed this one!


bleedingangel84 October 17 2020, 02:39:39 UTC
You never need to worry you'd write something I don't like. The only thing I really don't care for is non-con, and I know you rarely do that. Even non-con is not a hard limit for me if it fits within a particular story. I love your writing. You've been one of my favorite go-to authors in fandom for years, even when I was lurking back in 2006. I was too shy to leave reviews then, but luckily grew out of that. You are an amazing writer, and I'm always happy to read anything you write.


enchanted_jae October 26 2020, 01:49:59 UTC
*twirls you around*



bleedingangel84 October 9 2020, 20:50:57 UTC

Here is my entry for this month. I hope you like it.


enchanted_jae October 10 2020, 02:37:23 UTC
Thank you! Can't wait to check it out.


badly_knitted October 22 2020, 16:54:25 UTC
I'm early this month! Here's my entry... Dee/Ryo as usual.



enchanted_jae October 26 2020, 01:50:15 UTC
Woo hoo!


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