HPRarefest Fic: Kinky Girlfriend

Aug 05, 2015 20:29

Title: Kinky Girlfriend
Author: enchanted_jae
Prompt: #8
Pairing(s): Pansy/Ron
Word Count: 1275
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Pegging, dub-con, dirty talk
Disclaimer:Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Ron is always up for Pansy's bedroom ( Read more... )

fest: hprarefest, content: het, content: fest fic, rating: nc17, content: dub-con

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Comments 12

amorette August 6 2015, 03:39:37 UTC
OMG. I CANNOT HANDLE HOW HOT AND AMAZING THIS IS. Wow I am seriously blown away, this is SO HOTTT. GAAHHH. Ron getting pegged. Omg. I diiie. I think I love you for writing this. Thank you. The dirty talk, Pansy, the descriptions, everything was just wonderful.


enchanted_jae August 8 2015, 00:09:10 UTC
Happy birthday! Ha ha!

I am tickled you enjoyed this. I think you liked it more than Ron did, or so he'd have us believe...



aliasfanatic04 August 6 2015, 18:54:51 UTC
Not usually my cup of tea but it is kinda hot. Love all you write :)


enchanted_jae August 8 2015, 16:57:36 UTC
Thanks for reading! I'm pleased you liked it.


adafrog August 7 2015, 01:44:47 UTC


enchanted_jae August 16 2015, 00:41:44 UTC


arwitchywoman August 8 2015, 12:12:59 UTC
Pass the cigarettes, please!


enchanted_jae August 16 2015, 00:42:15 UTC
If you smoke after sex, you're doing it too fast.



thequeenanne August 30 2015, 05:27:37 UTC
Wow. Girl. I have been gone too long. Sporting a different kink. Interesting. Hmmm. ;)


enchanted_jae August 30 2015, 05:42:18 UTC

... )


thequeenanne August 30 2015, 06:30:45 UTC
I'm still reading like crazy, just not on here. Trying to cram as much of HPFandom in before that site closes. But when I get on here, I always visit you first!


enchanted_jae August 30 2015, 17:03:17 UTC
I shudder to think of LJ ever closing. Ten years of my life are here, not just fic.



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