HPRarefest Fic: Kinky Girlfriend

Aug 05, 2015 20:29

Title: Kinky Girlfriend
Author: enchanted_jae
Prompt: #8
Pairing(s): Pansy/Ron
Word Count: 1275
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Pegging, dub-con, dirty talk
Disclaimer:Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Summary: Ron is always up for Pansy's bedroom kinks, but this time, Pansy may have gone too far.

Ron was already half hard by the time the Floo in his flat came to life. He smiled at the sight of Pansy's face floating before him.

"Hello, lover," Pansy greeted in her husky voice. "I'm coming through."

Ron stood up from the sofa and moved aside to give his girlfriend room. He couldn't wait to see what Pansy had in store for them this evening. She had promised him a surprise, and Ron enjoyed Pansy's surprises. So did his cock.

When Pansy stepped through the magically-enlarged fireplace, Ron moved forward and welcomed her with a long, deep kiss. He came up for air and said, "I'm glad you're here."

"I can tell," sassed Pansy, reaching down to give his cock a squeeze through his jeans.

Ron groaned and arched into her hand. There were times he was afraid Pansy was too much woman for him to handle, but Ron wasn't complaining. He knew he was lucky to have found a girlfriend with such a hearty sexual appetite.

Pansy removed her hand and grinned at Ron impishly. "Are you up for something kinky this evening?" she asked.

"I'm always up for you," Ron replied with a similar grin.

Pansy rolled her eyes and smacked his arm, and Ron chuckled. "I'm going back to the bedroom, darling," said Pansy. "Give me a few moments, and then you may join me."

Pansy hoisted her bag higher on her shoulder and disappeared down the hallway. Ron resorted to pacing, wondering if she would be angry if he couldn't wait long enough. It was a very real concern. Pansy had once introduced spanking to their sex life, and she hadn't been the recipient. Ron's face got hot as he recalled that particular evening. He'd never imagined that spanking could be such a turn-on.

At last, Ron deemed it was safe to enter his own bedroom. When he walked in, Pansy was reclining on the bed, wearing a black silk robe. She had one knee raised, almost demurely, but her eyes were anything but demure.

"Take off your clothes," she said.

Ron didn't quibble; he wanted to get naked. He quickly stripped and joined Pansy on the bed.

Pansy stood up gracefully and dropped her robe. Ron's appreciative gaze lingered on her breasts, which were barely contained by a black corset. As his eyes wandered lower, Ron's jaw dropped.

"Bloody hell, Pansy," he wheezed. "When did you grow a dick?"

Pansy's laughter filled the bedroom. "It's a strap-on, darling," she said. "Do you like it?"

"That depends on what you plan to do with it."

Pansy strutted closer, thrusting her hips forward and pointing the lifelike dildo into Ron's face. "I want to shag you with it," she purred.

Ron scrambled off of the bed. "Don't come anywhere near me with that thing!" he yelped. Ron had never had anything up his arse before, unless he counted the one time that Pansy had inserted a finger while sucking him off, but that was different.

Pansy planted both hands on her hips. "I let you stick yours up my bum all the time, and yours is larger."

"B-but I'm not bent!"

Pansy's eyes narrowed and she pointed a scarlet-tipped nail at Ron. "If you ever want to have sex with me again, I suggest you bend over tonight."

Ron was growing desperate. "It will hurt," he argued.

"Nonsense, darling," soothed Pansy. "Do you hear me crying and complaining during anal? Besides, I'll be sure to use plenty of lubricant."

Ron was out of arguments, and the determined glint in Pansy's eyes let him know that she wasn't about to take no for an answer. If he wanted to continue getting the best sex of his life, it seemed he had no choice but to take one for the team. Ron's mouth turned down in a sulky frown as he got back on the bed.

Pansy rewarded him with a bright smile. "Bottoms up, darling!" she said cheerfully.

Ron grumbled under his breath and rolled over. He lowered himself to his forearms, which left his arse in the air. Surprisingly, his erection hadn't subsided. Ron felt the bed shift under Pansy's weight, but he refused to turn his head to look at her. Ron was afraid he'd never get the sight of Pansy with an erect, albeit fake, cock out of his mind.

Ron heard Pansy flip open the cap on the bottle of lubricant. Next, one of her warm hands caressed his naked arse and spread his cheeks. Ron jumped.

"Hold still," said Pansy.

Ron flinched when he felt a cool, slick finger rub over his not-entirely-virginal entrance. A small squeak escaped him when Pansy inserted her lubed finger.

"There now, darling, that's not so awful, is it?"

It really wasn't, but Ron wasn't going to give his wicked girlfriend the satisfaction of admitting it.

Pansy's finger located Ron's prostate, and she rubbed it. Ron's cock twitched in response, and a groan rumbled in his throat.

"You like that, don't you?" murmured Pansy. She pulled her finger free and came back with two.

Ron hissed and squirmed in discomfort,

"Be still."

Ron buried his face in the pillow he was clutching as Pansy worked two fingers in and out. The initial sting had eased, and he began to relax. Ron could hear Pansy doing something behind him, but he still refused to look. He flinched again when he felt something cool and slick nudge his arsehole.

Pansy withdrew her fingers and pushed the head of the dildo in without so much as a by your leave.

"Ouch!" yelped Ron. He tried to lurch away, but Pansy wasn't having it. She grabbed the back of Ron's hair in one hand and slung the other arm around his waist.

"I said, hold still," she snarled.

Ron's mouth was dry, and his pulse was hammering in his ears, but he stopped struggling. Pansy's grip on his hair eased.

"That's a good boy," she crooned, petting his head now. "You can take it, darling," said Pansy. She pushed her hips forward, driving the dildo deeper.

Ron cried out again, and tears pricked his eyes.

"You look so sexy like this," Pansy said in praise. "I wish I could feel how tightly your little hole is gripping my cock."

Ron grimaced. It fucking burned, and he couldn't believe Pansy was actually enjoying this. Ron was embarrassed at the fact that his own dick hadn't flagged yet. He certainly wasn't enjoying getting buggered by his kinky girlfriend. Ron wondered how long Pansy planned to keep going, because he just wanted this humiliating experience to be over with.

"I can't heeeeeear you, Ron," Pansy said in a sing-song voice.

"Piss off," grunted Ron. "Ow!" he yelled when Pansy delivered a stinging smack to his arse.

"Mind your manners, bitch," snarled Pansy, thrusting harder now.

"That does it," said Ron, straightening his arms and rising to all fours. "I've had enough."

Pansy placed a hand between his shoulders and pushed him down again. "Stop whining," she said. "I let you do this to me, and if you ever want to do me again, you'll play along."

"Cunt," seethed Ron, even as he gave in and let her have her way.

Pansy began to swivel her hips and moan, until she gave a small cry as she ground her dildo into Ron's arse. "That was amazing, darling, thank you," she sighed. Pansy drew back, pulling the dildo out as she did so.

Ron felt cool air caress his damp, open hole, and he sighed in relief. His rim fluttered, and he hastily lay down and rolled onto his back, as if to protect his arse from any more of Pansy's debauchery.

Pansy was flushed and smiling. She brushed her fringe away from her forehead with a languid hand. "You enjoyed that," she stated.

"I did not," Ron protested in a gruff voice.

"Then why are you sporting wood?"

Cross-posted to hprarefest

fest: hprarefest, content: het, content: fest fic, rating: nc17, content: dub-con

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