My Smoochfest fic: As You Wish

Jul 15, 2014 18:48

Author/Artist LJ Name: enchanted_jae
Title: As You Wish
Prompt Number: M112
Original Work Name: The Princess Bride
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, along with variations of: Snape, Neville, Zabini, Hagrid, Rodolphus, Xenophilius, Luna, a Weasley, Yaxley, Albus/Minerva
Summary: When Draco's beloved Harry is killed by the Dread Pirate Riddle, he vows to never love again ( Read more... )

content: romance, content: proposal, fest: smoochfest, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: au, content: fest fic

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Comments 6

digthewriter July 16 2014, 00:19:29 UTC


enchanted_jae July 30 2014, 23:30:49 UTC
*hearts your prompt*


robinellen July 16 2014, 03:01:59 UTC
Snaperdink *snort-giggles* 'nuf said :D


enchanted_jae July 30 2014, 23:31:07 UTC
Snape disagrees. Hah!


suzyblack July 19 2014, 09:00:45 UTC
This was lovely ♥♥♥♥♥


enchanted_jae July 30 2014, 23:32:26 UTC
Thank you!


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