Purveyors of Passionate Pleasures

Mar 19, 2012 21:06

Title: Purveyors of Passionate Pleasures
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Subject matter
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 750
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
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content: use of toy(s), content: top!harry, content: sofa sex, gift: birthday, profession: auror(s), rating: r

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Comments 37

kitty_fic March 20 2012, 02:24:13 UTC
Sneaky Draco! I love it!


enchanted_jae March 20 2012, 02:50:24 UTC
He's a Slytherin, through and through.



geinahop March 20 2012, 02:40:55 UTC
Special case! Hahahahaha!


enchanted_jae March 20 2012, 03:24:42 UTC
For all we know, Draco may have made the initial complaint to the Ministry, thereby ensuring Auror Potter would be sent to investigate. Hah!


piratesmile331 March 20 2012, 03:08:50 UTC
Hello, Slytherin!Draco!!!


enchanted_jae March 20 2012, 03:55:30 UTC
Please do not encourage him.



steamyaffair March 20 2012, 03:21:06 UTC
See - it's fics like this one that remind me of Draco's sneaky Slytherin side. God bless him for it.

Also, DAMN! Wish he'd sold a defective toy to me. :D


enchanted_jae March 21 2012, 00:43:05 UTC
Draco probably broke that toy before he sold it to Harry.



pottermalfoyyum March 20 2012, 03:32:59 UTC
Yum! I want a refund.


enchanted_jae April 1 2012, 22:16:23 UTC
We all do. Ha ha!


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