Purveyors of Passionate Pleasures

Mar 19, 2012 21:06

Title: Purveyors of Passionate Pleasures
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Subject matter
Additional warning: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and warning(s).
Word count: 750
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
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content: use of toy(s), content: top!harry, content: sofa sex, gift: birthday, profession: auror(s), rating: r

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Comments 37

lijahlover March 20 2012, 03:34:30 UTC
Ohhhh I am in so much love for Draco. Slytherin to the core *g*


enchanted_jae April 1 2012, 22:22:08 UTC
That was terribly naughty clever of him, wasn't it? Heh.


demicus March 20 2012, 04:03:39 UTC
I love the fact that Draco made sure my favorite special case Harry couldn’t give himself a stroke. ROFL! I’m sure Harry’s going to keep Purveyors of Perverted Passionate Pleasures’ warranty service to himself. (°◡°)(˘ε˘)(°◡°)(˘ε˘)(°◡°)(˘ε˘)(°◡°)(˘ε˘) Thank you so much for my birthday gift, it’s perfect! ❤


enchanted_jae April 1 2012, 22:23:58 UTC
Draco is incorrigible. Ha ha! Hope you had a fantastic birthday, sweetling!


demicus April 2 2012, 08:43:18 UTC
I did indeed, & your story played a big part in making me very happy! ❤


amras2007 March 20 2012, 04:20:11 UTC
hahahahahaha Draco is amazing =)


enchanted_jae April 1 2012, 22:28:59 UTC
Amazing and sneaky. *nods*


felaine March 20 2012, 04:34:43 UTC
O Harry, like you didn't see that coming.
Love the name slip at the beginning, too.
Funny and hot.


enchanted_jae April 1 2012, 22:37:31 UTC
Harry is so naive sometimes. Ha ha!


olimakiella March 20 2012, 06:59:36 UTC
Slytherine Satisfaction guaranteed.


enchanted_jae April 1 2012, 22:38:14 UTC
I'll pounce on that warranty any time. Ha ha!


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