Erotic Encounter

Dec 20, 2009 20:38

Title: Erotic Encounter
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism
Word count: 1530
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for oogies4u, who asked for something hot and mind-blowing. I don't ( Read more... )

content: use of toy(s), verse: club coquette, content: outdoor sex, content: public sex, content: club fic, rating: nc17, content: cross dressing, content: voyeurism, gift: birthday, content: partially clothed sex, content: exhibitionism

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Comments 51

girlofavalon December 21 2009, 02:44:11 UTC
I want to know who it is. I mean, I suppose it is Harry, and I am really hoping that I am right. You can PM me the answer ;]


enchanted_jae December 21 2009, 02:44:59 UTC
It was whomever you would like it to be, sweetling. If you want it to be Harry, why then, it was Harry!


girlofavalon December 21 2009, 02:46:23 UTC
Okay, for me it is Harry. But can't I just be curious as to whom the author had in mind? And be pushy, of course :P


treacle_tartlet December 21 2009, 02:47:35 UTC
God fucking dammit, that was hawt!


enchanted_jae December 22 2009, 01:43:36 UTC
Careful, there! *helps you up*


leo_draconis December 21 2009, 02:47:36 UTC
Hot! And of course I know who it is. *g*


enchanted_jae January 10 2010, 23:21:49 UTC
I do, too. *wicked smirk*


gypsyflame December 21 2009, 02:47:58 UTC

This fic hit pretty much every kink I have! Cross-dressing slut!Draco getting fucked by a stranger in front of a crowd? Oh my God. I can't even breathe right now.


kitschobrien December 21 2009, 05:55:02 UTC
You took the words right out of my mouth!


enchanted_jae January 10 2010, 23:22:26 UTC
Oh! Well then, happy birthday to you, too. *laughs*


olimakiella December 21 2009, 02:53:15 UTC
Mmm, yum. Of course I would want it to be Harry but I suppose each person has their own tastes. But damn, Jae, hotness much?


enchanted_jae April 24 2010, 21:04:38 UTC
It was hot enough to fry my own brain while writing it. Whew!


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