Erotic Encounter

Dec 20, 2009 20:38

Title: Erotic Encounter
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, exhibitionism, voyeurism
Word count: 1530
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for oogies4u, who asked for something hot and mind-blowing. I don't know about you, but I incinerated several brain cells writing this.
Summary: Draco visits Club Coquette for some anonymous sex.

Draco stood back from the mirror and surveyed his costume with a critical eye. He was wearing a black silk shirt, unbuttoned to the waist to reveal the red corset he wore underneath. Draco was also wearing a short, pleated black skirt that skimmed his thighs and revealed the tops of the black stockings he was wearing. He wore nothing else beneath the skirt. When Draco moved, flashes of his pale skin could be glimpsed. On his feet were a pair of ankle high black boots that were sexy without being bloody uncomfortable.

Draco stepped closer to the mirror to check the fit of his mask. It was black with red feathers, and it covered most of his face. The club he was going to was one that everyone attended in costume, and they only revealed their identity if they chose to do so. Draco glanced at the Floo address once more. Blaise had urged him to visit Club Coquette, telling Draco, 'You know what they say--the best way to get over one bloke is to get under another one.' The memory caused a small smile to tease at Draco's lips.

He hadn't smiled much since the bitter breakup with his long-time boyfriend. Draco had been angry and depressed ever since, and Blaise had grown tired of his friend's moping. 'Go to the club, Draco,' he had said. 'Try it out. It's a haven of anonymous sex, and you can pull most anyone there. Enjoy a night of debauchery. It will do wonders for you.'

Draco had finally agreed. If nothing else, it would give his right hand a well-deserved rest. The anonymity of Club Coquette appealed to him. He could go incognito, have some mindless sex, and walk away.

Draco did one last thing before leaving--he inserted a slender, lubed plug.


Draco emerged from the Floo and was assailed by the throbbing, sensuous beat of music. He wasn't sure he was in the mood to dance, however, considering how aroused he already was. Turning his back on the music, Draco made his way to the section of the club where patrons could meet and engage in sexual activity of almost any sort. The scent of sex was heavy here, and no wonder. Several guests had paired up and were coupling, unrestrained and unashamed, under the lascivious gazes of others.

Draco wanted more privacy than that. He headed for the glass doors that led to the gardens, declining several offers along the way and firmly rebuffing the more zealous advances. Draco felt better once he was outside. He hadn't counted on being so overwhelmed by the very public nature of the sexual activity in the club.

"I hadn't expected to see something so lovely in the gardens."

Draco turned toward the sultry voice, a shiver of desire shooting through him. The man who had spoken was dressed completely in black with an overcoat hanging, cape-like, from his broad shoulders. His mask revealed nothing but a strong jaw and a pair of firm lips.

"Are you here to meet someone in particular?" the man asked.

Draco shook his head slowly. "I was hoping to meet someone," he replied, "but no one in particular."

"I am someone...and no one in particular."

"So I see," murmured Draco. The man reached for him, hands settling lightly at Draco's waist as if afraid he'd bolt. Draco allowed the contact, and the stranger grew bolder. His hands tightened before smoothing up Draco's back to toy with the ends of his hair. He urged Draco forward, and Draco went willingly, stepping close to brush his body lightly against the other man's.

Those hands, strong and sure, traveled down Draco's back to cup and squeeze his arse. Draco moaned and swayed closer. He felt the ridge of the stranger's cock through their clothing and pressed his hips forward, parting his legs to rub himself against the intriguing hardness. His chosen partner groaned and inched his fingers down to the hem of Draco's skirt. He drew his hands up slowly, baring Draco's buttocks.

"Bloody hell," the man wheezed when he discovered that Draco was wearing nothing under his skirt. Strong hands urged Draco to turn around, and he did so, accepting the caress of the stranger's rough hands on his smooth flesh.

A group of people walked by, turning their heads to look but not halting to watch. The realization that he was standing with his skirt raised in a shaft of illumination coming from the club gave Draco pause.

"Beautiful," rasped the voice behind him, and Draco heard the unmistakable sound of the other bloke's zip lowering.

"N-not here," he murmured, trying to disentangle himself. The arm about his middle tightened, anchoring Draco in place. He felt fingers grip the handle of the plug and pull it from his body with deliberate intent. A shift of the man's wrist twisted the plug inside of Draco as it was dragged free, and he whimpered and spread his legs wide.

The plug was tossed to the side, and an instant later, Draco felt the insistent prod of the stranger's cock at his entrance. Draco moaned as he was penetrated, and he allowed his head to fall back and loll on his lover's shoulder.

The man pulled back and thrust forward, repeating the motion until his groin was nestled snug to Draco's arse. "Incredible," he sighed in Draco's ear, rolling his hips and dragging a mewl of pleasure from Draco's lips. From there, the stranger established a steady rhythm, claiming Draco's body in a flurry of hot, smooth strokes.

Draco stopped worrying that he was standing in the middle of a garden and being fucked by a stranger. He curled one hand around the man's arm and hung on while his other hand grasped his penis and began to tug it in time with the hard, pounding thrusts into his eager hole. Their voices, a mixture of barely coherent words and lusty moans, carried on the cool night air, not quite able to cover the slick sounds of their joining.

Draco's short skirt was rucked up around his waist, displaying his pale flanks and arse and the damp cock that disappeared between his buttocks over and over. He was aware that they had drawn a small crowd of spectators--people who hovered in the darkness at the edge of the pool of light where Draco was being thoroughly debauched. Draco should have been ashamed; instead, he was aroused at the knowledge that others were watching as he writhed on the stranger's cock, bucking his hips and moaning in pleasure.

It had been too long since Draco had been intimate with anyone, and the furious coupling he was engaged in was not without discomfort. However, the burn of the other man's cock as it plundered his body, forcing his tender rim to stretch wide open, was unbelievably erotic, and Draco relished the hot sting. He repeatedly pushed his hips back, demanding and receiving more. Draco felt the familiar tightening in his body that always preceded orgasm, and he surrendered to it willingly. When he came, it was with a shrill, rapturous cry. He stretched up on the balls of his feet, body tense and trembling as he shot his load over the grass before him.

The man behind him growled and pumped his hips faster, riding Draco hard. He slammed his swollen cock into Draco's clenching hole again and again until Draco felt him shudder and spurt inside of him. Draco remained in place a moment longer, quivering with aftershocks and panting from exertion. His lover's cock softened and slipped free of him, and the murmur of voices around them receded as the voyeurs drifted away.

The stranger's hands smoothed Draco's skirt down, a slight tremor in them giving testament to the fact that he had been as affected by their erotic encounter as Draco had been. "Will you reveal yourself to me?" he whispered, turning Draco to face him once more.

"No,," Draco said more firmly, squirming away from the man's loose embrace. "I...I have to go." He hurried away, the brush of the soft material of his skirt against his sensitized penis almost unbearable. His stinging hole was still slick with the other man's juices, and Draco was keenly aware of the man's spunk as it dribbled from his well-used hole.

Darting inside the club, Draco pushed his way through the throng of bodies, some of whom grasped for him with eager hands. He reached the Floo and grabbed a pinch of powder. As Draco disappeared in a flash of flames, he wondered who his mysterious lover had been, and whether or not he would be bold enough to return and find out.

I left the identity of Draco's lover to your imaginations. I know who it is in MY mind, but you are free to...insert your partner of choice. *wicked grin*

Sexy Stranger

content: use of toy(s), verse: club coquette, content: outdoor sex, content: public sex, content: club fic, rating: nc17, content: cross dressing, content: voyeurism, gift: birthday, content: partially clothed sex, content: exhibitionism

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