Jae's Advent 20; AWDT 20; DH100 20; AdvDrabbles 20; Slyth100 20

Dec 20, 2009 17:14

Title: Singing a Different Tune Annalise verse #58
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Annalise
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word Count: 340
Written for the following:
♥ Jae's Advent Drabbles #20 - carols for jairissa
awdt Christmas Quickies #20 - Bah, humbug!
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2009 - Christmas carols
slythindor100 25 Days of Draco and Harry #20 - snowman brownie pops
adventdrabbles - Prompt #20 - snowman
Summary: Draco makes it up to Harry and Annalise for grounding them.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al.

Draco put the finishing touches on the brownie pops he had made. Each was decorated to look like a mini snowman, and Draco couldn't wait to see the children's reaction to them at the Weasley party. It had been a refreshing change to be able to bake without Harry and Annalise underfoot, but Draco found himself missing their excited chatter and even their stealthy attempts to help themselves to the baked goods. Draco frowned. Perhaps he shouldn't have grounded them. Resolving to make it up to his husband and daughter, Draco took a small plate of the snowman goodies and went upstairs.

Although he had ordered each of them to their respective rooms, judging from the sound of things, both Harry and Annalise were in Annalise's room. The strains of jovial Christmas carols reached Draco's ears, and he paused to listen and smile. Body tightening in anticipation of a strike, Draco burst through the door and shouted, "What are you two doing?!"

Annalise shrieked and threw herself against Harry, while Harry half fell back and gasped, "Bloody hell, Draco!"

Draco sagged against the wall laughing. "You should have seen the looks on your faces," he crowed.

"Daddy!" Annalise cried. "That was mean!"

"I've brought a peace offering," Draco chuckled.

Harry scowled at him. "Bah, humbug!" he harrumphed.

"You'll be singing a different tune when you taste these," Draco stated, revealing the snowman brownies with a flourish.

Annalise goggled at the delightful treats, and Draco let her select one from the plate. Harry's eyes were on the goodies, too, but he held out for more.

"I want a kiss, too," he insisted.

"Yuck," Draco grimaced.

"Daddy," Annalise scolded him.

"Oh, alright," Draco sighed as if he'd been assigned the most onerous of chores. He leaned down and pressed his lips to Harry's. The gentle kiss quickly became a thorough snog, and Draco sagged closer to his husband.

Annalise giggled and said, "Your treat just fell on the floor, Papa."

A Healthy Choice

challenge: jae's advent, profession: auror(s), content: established relationship, challenge: awdt quickies, verse: annalise, comm: adventdrabbles, rating: pg, content: kid(s), challenge: dh100 special challenge, challenge: slyth hols, content: xmas

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