Christmas gift!fic; HD365; AWDT Quickies #19

Dec 19, 2009 22:36

Title: An Auror Anniversary
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Kingsley
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word Count: 445
Written for the following:
hd_365 for the occasion of Harry and Draco's first anniversary
♥ Christmas gift for graylor
awdt Christmas Quickies #19 - Santa's lap
Summary: Duty calls, and dinner reservations fall by the wayside.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al.

"Mm...happy...mmf...anniversary, love." Harry's words were drowsy and interspersed with kisses. He made to rise, but Draco's arms looped around Harry's neck and held him in place.

"Let's stay in bed all day and celebrate," Draco husked.

"Tempting, but we can't," Harry sighed, extricating himself from his husband's body and embrace. "Kingsley wants all of us in for a meeting this morning, remember? We're so close to cracking the Oddfellow case."

"Must we go in?" huffed Draco. Harry nodded, and Draco groaned and pulled the blankets over his head.


Harry had thought they were going into the Ministry for a debriefing only, but after Shacklebolt imparted the new intelligence on the Oddfellow case, he began to assign the Aurors in pairs to handle surveillance on the tenement house in east London that was the hub of all the activity.

"Potter, you're on duty from six o'clock until two in the morning-"

"But, sir," Harry interrupted, "it's my anniversary tonight!"

"I know that," Kingsley smirked at him. "That's why I'm assigning Malfoy to work with you. And save the funny business for when you two get home!" he boomed.


"So much for our dinner reservations," sighed Harry. He was seated on a ramshackle sofa that had seen better days, and he was gazing through a grimy window to keep watch on the building across the street.

"I was looking forward to dessert," Draco said, sending Harry a rueful grin.

"Oh, I had big plans for dessert," lamented Harry. "I was going to dress up in a red velvet suit and fill your...stocking."

Draco clenched his teeth and pressed a hand to his groin to quell the automatic response that the image of Harry dressed in a Santa suit had conjured. "Remind me again why I shouldn't hex Shacklebolt?"

"He's dating your mother."

"That's not helping his cause, Harry."

Harry shot his husband an apologetic look. "Right. Sorry."

"I'm sorry, too," Draco said. "I didn't mean to be so churlish, but this isn't how I envisioned spending our first anniversary."

Harry's hand reached for Draco's and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "The important thing is, we're spending it together."

"You're right, of course," Draco agreed, scooting closer on the sofa and wincing as a spring poked his backside.

Harry leaned back, eyes still on the other building, and slid his arm around Draco's waist. "Our shift will be over in another few hours," he said. "When we get home I'll put on the red suit, and you can come sit on Santa's lap. Or," Harry went on, smirking at his husband, "you can sit on Santa's lap and come."

Cross-posted to hd_365

rating: pg13, profession: auror(s), content: established relationship, challenge: awdt quickies, gift: holiday, content: xmas, comm: hd_365

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