Targeted 8

Dec 13, 2009 00:49

Title: Targeted 8
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Nott, Neville, Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 830
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for shawn_anne, who asked for an update to my Targeted series.
Summary: Harry rattles some ( Read more... )

content: ust, verse: targeted, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, profession: auror(s)

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Comments 19

lijahlover December 13 2009, 06:56:57 UTC
LOL Draco is right Harry and just admite it :)


enchanted_jae December 13 2009, 07:22:29 UTC
Harry wouldn't look like hell if he'd just shag Draco. *nod nod*


misplaced_exile December 13 2009, 08:17:27 UTC
Oh nice! I quite like this series, dark!Harry is pretty hot. Also I'm a bit happy to read something that isn't Christmassy. *feels like a scrooge for saying that*


enchanted_jae January 31 2010, 06:53:52 UTC
I like a Harry who isn't all goodness and light. Hee!


fancypantsdylan December 13 2009, 10:52:38 UTC
oooh I think Draco is on to something :)


enchanted_jae January 31 2010, 06:54:29 UTC
Could be. *grins*


reicheruchan December 13 2009, 11:50:58 UTC
oh harry, just say you want him! hahahahaha!


enchanted_jae January 31 2010, 06:55:02 UTC
Harry is trying to be professional here.


lire_casander December 13 2009, 14:10:53 UTC
Draco is so right, and Harry knows it. But the investigation is more important! I don't know who wants to kill Draco, and I don't like not knowing!


enchanted_jae January 31 2010, 06:55:48 UTC
I don't know, either!


Wait, I'm the author; I do know. Hee!


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