Targeted 8

Dec 13, 2009 00:49

Title: Targeted 8
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Nott, Neville, Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 830
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for shawn_anne, who asked for an update to my Targeted series.
Summary: Harry rattles some cages.

Harry waited until Theodore Nott turned to look out the window of his office before he slipped his Cloak from his shoulders. When Nott turned back, he started at the sight of Harry standing in front of his desk.

"Your brother is dead," Harry stated flatly.

"My half-brother," corrected Nott in a mild tone, "and so I've been informed."

"What do you know of it?" asked Harry. He gave every appearance of being relaxed, but he was alert and ready to react to the slightest move on Nott's part.

Nott took a seat behind his desk and shrugged. "I know only what the Ministry told me."

"You don't seem upset by the news."

"Should I be?" mused Nott, leaning back in his chair.

"He was your relation," Harry pointed out.

"And a potential rival for my inheritance."

Nott was as cold a bastard as they came, Harry decided. To see if he could get a rise out of him, Harry asked, "Are you willing to repeat that, should an official investigation be launched?" There would be no such investigation, Harry was aware. The Ministry already knew who had killed Bainbridge and why.

Nott leaned forward aggressively. "If it comes to that, my attorney will be present with me."

Realizing Nott would refuse to say any more, Harry warned, "Watch your back, Nott," and Disapparated.


Harry went to the small bistro near St Mungo's for lunch. Neville had agreed to meet him there. He found his friend already seated at a table by the windows. Harry ordered tea while perusing the menu.

"You look as though you could use something stronger than tea," Neville remarked with a wry grin.

Harry sighed. He knew he looked like hell. "This is getting to me," he said. Neville thought Harry was a regular Auror; he had no idea his friend was part of an elite cadre of Ministry assassins.

"Death Eaters again?" Neville asked, his own eyes on the menu.

"Yes and no," replied Harry. "Someone has been killing former Death Eaters, and we're trying to find out who is responsible." That much was true, although it wasn't what Harry was officially working on. He had only stumbled across the case when he and Bainbridge had both arrived at Draco Malfoy's flat to kill Malfoy.

Neville's jaw tightened. "Perhaps the person or persons responsible should be congratulated," he gritted.

Harry couldn't blame Neville for feeling that way, but he still felt compelled to say, "Not all of them deserve it, Neville. Some of those who've been murdered had renounced their ties to Voldemort and were helping to rebuild our magical society." When Neville's eyes flashed, Harry hastened to add, "Let's not argue about it, yeah?"

Neville expelled his breath and nodded. "Sure, Harry." Pointing to the menu, he added, "I'd recommend the roast squash soup and the turkey club..."


Harry arrived home in no mood for any of Malfoy's prima donna behavior. He was surprised, therefore, to find Malfoy seemed almost pleasant. Apparently, giving his guest a vibrator had done wonders to improve Malfoy's disposition.

"Do you keep in touch with Theodore Nott?" Harry asked him as he removed his official robes.

"Theo and I speak when we encounter one another at the same social gatherings, but we don't make any effort to see one another otherwise," Malfoy said. "Why?"

"His brother is dead."

"Brother?" Malfoy repeated, puzzled. "Oh, you mean Bainbridge--Avery's bastard son. What happened to him?"

"I killed him in your flat," stated Harry, eyes intent on Malfoy.

Malfoy blanched. "Bainbridge is the one who tried to kill me?" He shook his head in disbelief.

"Would Theodore Nott have put him up to it?"

"No, no," Malfoy shook his head. "Theo didn't even like to acknowledge Bainbridge's existence, let alone communicate with him. Aside from that, I can't imagine why Theo would want me dead."

"Can you be sure of that?" challenged Harry. "Have you never stolen from him, be it fame or glory or success? A woman? A man?"

Malfoy's eyes narrowed. "No!" he denied vehemently. "Theodore and I aren't friends, per se, but neither are we enemies. He is happily married to Daphne Greengrass, and I prefer the company of men."

"Did you ever refuse his advances?"

Malfoy blinked at Harry. "What part of happily married did you not grasp?"

Harry shrugged. "I had to ask."

"Were you jealous?"

Harry's spine stiffened. "Pardon me?"

"Does the thought of another man lusting after me make you jealous?" smirked Malfoy.

Harry held on to his composure with an effort of will. "Why would it?" he asked evenly.

Malfoy's smile was seductive. "I think you want me," he purred.

"I think this enforced isolation is getting to you," countered Harry. "Now, if you'll excuse me?" He turned and walked away before Malfoy could respond.


Targeted 9

content: ust, verse: targeted, gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, profession: auror(s)

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