Birthday!gift: Harley and Farley

Jun 13, 2009 15:44

Title: Harley and Farley
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Harlequin and Farley
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None!
Word count: 745
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for winter_june, who asked for a sequel to Harlequin.
Summary: It's time for Harlequin and Farley to visit the V-E-T, and Draco is worried.

"Yes, Draco, we have to do it."

"Can't we take them to St Mungo's or to Hagrid?" Draco tried, clutching his precious calico kitten protectively in his arms. She purred and bunted his chin before settling back to wash her tri-colored face with a dainty paw.

Harry smiled at Draco's display. "Sorry, love, but Farley and Harley are Muggle kittens, and they must go to a Muggle veterinarian."

It was a testament to how worried Draco was that he didn't protest Harry calling his kitten 'Harley'. Her name was Harlequin, for her odd markings, and Draco was adamant that she be called by her given name. On the other hand, he was fond of calling Farley 'Weasley' because he was a ginger cat. Harry was too fond of calling the pair 'Farley and Harley' for Draco's liking, but at the moment he couldn't be arsed to care.

"I don't want to send them to a Muggle cat doctor." Draco's voice was terse and his expression stubborn.

"Nevertheless, they have to be altered," Harry explained. "Muggle vets spay and neuter cats all the time, so it's perfectly safe."

"They're just kittens," Draco protested, scratching Harlequin's ears.

"They're six months old now," Harry stated firmly, "and they are going to the veterinarian to be sterilized."


Draco was still moping about in his pyjamas when Harry returned home from dropping Harlequin and Farley off at the vet's office. He and Draco had both taken the day off of work; Harry to drop the cats off and pick them up, and Draco because he declared he wouldn't be able to concentrate for worrying any way.

"Are they okay?" Draco asked immediately.

Harry didn't dare tell his boyfriend that Harlequin had wailed like the damned the entire way to the vet and that she'd still been crying pathetically when he had left. It had tugged at his own heart, but he didn't want to upset Draco further. Instead, he said, "Farley and Harley were settled into their cage together when I left." They had specifically requested that the inseparable brother and sister felines be kept together.

"Cage?" Draco asked sharply.

"Yes, a cage," replied Harry. "Now get dressed. We're going out."

"I don't-"

"You are not going to sit around the flat all day, moping and worrying," Harry insisted. "We'll go sightseeing, do some shopping, I don't care, but we're not staying in. I have my cell phone, so the veterinarian can call us when it's time to pick up the cats."

Draco grumbled all while getting ready, but Harry could tell he was secretly looking forward to a day out. With Harry driving, they spent the day playing tourist, visiting some museums, eating lunch at a small bistro, and taking a walk in a park. It was late in the afternoon, when they had stopped for some ice cream, that Harry received a call from the veterinarian, telling him Harlequin and Farley were ready to go home. He planned to finish his ice cream first, but Draco made him bin it because he was anxious to see how Harlequin had fared.

They arrived at the vet's office twenty minutes later, and an assistant brought Farley and Harlequin out in their carrier. "They're still a bit woozy, mind you, so don't expect either of the little dears to be active or hungry tonight," she told them.

Harry settled the bill while Draco crouched down by the carrier and cooed at Harlequin, reassured when she responded with a plaintive meow. Farley licked his sister's face before letting his own head settle on to his paws once more. When they got the cats home, Draco set the carrier on the floor and opened it. Farley doodled out first, taking three steps before lying on the floor. From inside the carrier, Harlequin mewed softly. Draco reached for her.

"Don't pull her out, Draco. You may hurt her," cautioned Harry.

Draco sat on the floor and called to her instead. Eventually, Harlequin made her way out of the carrier and lay down by Draco's feet. He stroked her gently, and she gave a half-hearted purr. "I was afraid she would hate me," he admitted, glancing up at Harry as he spoke.

"She won't hate you, Draco," Harry soothed him. "She'll hate me; I'm the one who took her to the veterinarian."

content: pet(s), gift: birthday, rating: pg, content: flangst, content: established relationship

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