Gift!fic; HPAnimagus; White cat arc

Jun 11, 2009 23:03

Title: Too Easy white cat arc 4
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sex, slash, smut (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age)
Word count: 625
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written as a gift for mildred_malfoy for my Timea icon. Also written for the current challenge at hp_animagus, using the prompt words barefoot, red.
Summary: Harry is ambushed, and Draco is chased.

Barefoot, Harry stepped through the French doors and began looking for his boyfriend. The trail of clothing leading to the doors indicated that Draco was somewhere in the gardens. Naked.

"Draco?" Harry called.

There was no answer, neither spoken nor meowed. Apparently, Draco wanted to play. Harry's jeans grew tight across the groin in anticipation. Moving further into the gardens, he began a careful search for his sneaky boyfriend. It would be a simple enough matter to draw his wand and locate Draco with a spell, but where would be the fun in that? This little game would build their arousal, making the resulting sex much more enjoyable once the chase was over.

Harry moved stealthily along the rows of flowering bushes, bending to peer beneath foliage and pausing to look up the occasional tree. It was while he was searching high that Draco ambushed him low. He burst from under a bush and grabbed Harry by the ankle.

"Gah!" Harry cried, stumbling back in startled surprise. His abrupt movement caused Draco's claws to snag his skin, and Harry scowled down at the drops of red forming along three scratches on his foot. "Damn it, Draco!" he cursed.

A white cat, Draco in Animagus form, darted from the safety of the bushes with a trill that Harry just knew was mocking laughter. Draco made a run for the house, ears flat and tail flicking behind him. Harry drew his wand and fired off a sticking charm. Draco transformed at the edge of the patio and dashed to the door, grabbed the handle, and realized he couldn't open it. The resulting expression on his face was one of comic dismay. Naked, he had no wand, and he appeared momentarily indecisive. The delay cost him, because as Draco tried to dash away once more, Harry lunged at him and snagged him about the waist.

"Too easy," Draco sulked, relaxing into his boyfriend's embrace.

"I like that about you," Harry teased, pulling Draco close to nuzzle his neck. Draco sighed in delight and arched against him. Harry waved at the glass doors to open them. "Let's go inside," he said, voice rough with arousal. "I'll shag you like a cat--take you from behind and set my teeth in your nape while you yowl and and scream." Draco's response was the small, needy sound that escaped him.

They didn't make it any farther than the softly carpeted floor just inside the patio doors. Draco was crouched on his fours, wailing in pleasure and clawing at the carpet while Harry thrust into him. They had left the French doors open, and the breeze caressed their damp skin like cool, invisible fingertips. Draco dropped to his elbows so he could stroke himself while Harry rode him. Draco was close and when Harry bit down harder on his nape, he came with a passionate cry.

Harry released his grip on Draco's neck so he could drag more air into his lungs. The change of position allowed him to thrust harder and deeper, and in moments Harry was raising his voice as Draco's was dying to a whimper. They parted and stretched out on the floor together, the sunshine streaming through the door bathing them in warmth.

Draco rolled onto his back, pale flesh gleaming in the bright light. "I could fall asleep here," he said with a drowsy smile.

"You need a shower," Harry told him. "Unless you plan to lick your arse." He snickered at his own joke until Draco trumped him.

"You're just jealous that I can."


content: animagus, verse: white cat, animagus: feline, gift: random, content: floor sex, content: established relationship, rating: r, content: humor, comm: hp_animagus, content: top!harry

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