Title: The Talk
enchanted_jaePairing: Harry/Draco, Arthur
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 440
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Jae-Quills marriage prompt: consummate
Written for :
scotlandaussieSummary: Arthur discusses wedding procedures with Harry and Draco.
Arthur Weasley had asked to meet with Harry and Draco to go over some details pertaining to weddings in general and their ceremony in particular. He came to their home one evening to visit, and they spoke at length about the wedding. Draco found himself relaxing in the older man's presence. Mr Weasley was an affable sort, earnest and sincere, with a dry sense of humor. For that reason, Draco was not alarmed when Arthur announced he wished to speak to each of them separately.
Arthur and Draco retreated to the upstairs study to speak in private while Harry busied himself downstairs. As a pureblood, Arthur was quite knowledgeable about wizarding wedding ceremonies, and Draco was enjoying their one-on-one conversation.
Eventually, Arthur asked, "Do you have any questions, Draco?" When Draco shook his head, Arthur leaned back in his chair and said, "Very good. Now then, let me tell you what to expect on your wedding night, when it's time to consummate your relationship with Harry."
After saying goodbye to Arthur, Harry climbed the steps to the bedroom, face still warm with embarrassment. He supposed Draco was even more traumatized. Sure enough, when Harry entered the bedroom, his fiance was huddled under the covers, clutching a purring Amber to his chest. "Draco?" he asked hesitantly.
There came an answering whimper from the bed.
"I take it you and Arthur had the talk?" Harry ventured.
Draco's head emerged from beneath the blankets. "He thought I was a virgin, Harry."
Sitting on the edge of the bed, Harry rubbed soothing circles on his fiance's back. "I had no idea that Arthur didn't realize we've been intimate for some time," he confessed.
"Harry," Draco whined, "he told me, 'It is your duty to allow Harry to put his penis inside of you.' Honestly! I thought I would die on the spot."
Harry winced in sympathy. "Arthur told me to be gentle with you on our wedding night," he related in a horrified whisper.
Draco's eyes were wide and glassy, and he continued on as if Harry hadn't spoken. "He told me it might be uncomfortable at first, but that I should just lie there and think of H-Hogwarts."
They both shuddered.
"Hold me, Harry," Draco pleaded.
Harry stood and quickly stripped down to his boxers before rejoining Draco in bed. They clung together for comfort, and for once, Harry remained flaccid. Having the mechanics of sex explained to him by Arthur Weasley had effectively squelched his libido.
"Harry?" Draco's voice was muffled against Harry's chest.
"We shall never speak of this again."
Worth a Thousand Words