HPCreatures: Befuddled

Feb 23, 2009 19:47

Title: Befuddled
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Wank, hand job
Word count: 455
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for this week's prompt at hp_creatures, which is soft paws. This drabble follows Fangs for Nothing, and it features a fluffy vampire!Harry.
Summary: Harry's fang has been repaired, but not without some drama.

"Are you comfortable?" Draco asked, tucking the quilt more securely around his boyfriend's legs.

Harry gave him a slightly loopy smile and nodded. He had just returned from the dentist, having decided that he could no longer tolerate his damaged fang. Hermione's father had been entrusted with the task of repairing Harry's chipped canine, and he had done an excellent job. That is, once Harry had been dosed with enough Calming Draught to let Mr Granger anywhere near him. Because he was so nervous, Harry had been given a teddy bear to cling to during the procedure, and he had refused to relinquish it when he was all sorted. He sat on the sofa now, still wearing his dopey grin while stroking the bear's soft paws and ears.

Draco reached out and tenderly brushed Harry's dark fringe from his eyes. He reckoned once the potions wore off his boyfriend would be quite vexed to learn he wasn't to bite anything or anyone for twenty-four hours. It shouldn't be a problem, unless...

"Draco, I'm hungry."

...Harry decided he was hungry. Draco twisted his fingers nervously in the edge of the blanket. He'd been instructed to make sure Harry didn't do any biting, but Mr Granger had never been around a hungry vampire before. The task was not so simple. Draco compromised by nicking the end of his index finger and allowing Harry to suck on it while he sat beside him. While it satisfied Harry's thirst for blood, it also had the unfortunate side effect of making Draco hard. It seemed wrong to expect Harry to engage in any sexual activity in his current befuddled condition, so Draco had to settle for working his other hand down his pants to wank while Harry continued sucking erotically on his finger. When Harry's hand plunged into Draco's boxers to join in stroking his cock, Draco's hips arched up and he climaxed with a strangled cry.

As Draco slouched lethargically against the back of the sofa, Harry released his finger with a moist pop and withdrew his hand from Draco's trousers to lick his boyfriend's release from his fingers.

"Aah," sighed Draco, his satisfied smile matching Harry's goofy grin.

"Mmm," purred Harry, his answering smile displaying his newly-repaired fang.

They exchanged a fond glance before moving as one, settling and rearranging themselves so they lay spooned together on the sofa. Harry now had his arms wrapped around his boyfriend, and Draco clutched the teddy bear to his chest. He drifted to sleep, lulled by the soothing scent of Harry that lingered in the soft fur against his cheek.

Good Little Vampire

content: hand job, content: established relationship, rating: r, comm: hp_creatures, content: fluff, content: creature fic, verse: fluffy vampire!harry, content: wanking, creature: vampire

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