Birthday!gift: Pixie Pox

Oct 15, 2008 00:23

Title: Pixie Pox
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Ginny, Scorpius, Albus, James, mention of Lily and Astoria
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Mpreg, sexual suggestion
Word count: 1945
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for khateh, who asked for Harry takes care of an ill Scorpius.
Summary: Harry goes to Malfoy Manor to help Draco care for Scorpius.

Harry brushed a kiss across Ginny's cheek. "You'll let me know if the three monsters get to be too much for you, yeah?" he asked.

"We'll be fine," she assured him with a smile. "You run along and help take care of Scorpius. I remember when James and Albus had pixie pox, and taking care of them was a full time chore. Merlin knows Astoria is useless in these situations."

Harry nodded and gave a tired sigh. "I'll be off then," he said, grabbing a pinch of Floo powder. "Malfoy Manor!"


"Harry," Draco greeted him with a wan, relieved smile. "I'm so glad you came. I told Scorpius you would be over to see him, and he's been asking for you ever since."

"I'm sorry I couldn't get here sooner."

"It's not your fault," Draco sighed, turning to make his unsteady way to the stairs leading up to the Manor's bedroom suites. Harry rushed forward to put his arm around Draco's waist, receiving a grateful smile in return. "I wish I could care for Scorpius myself, but-"

"Not in your condition," Harry said firmly, giving a pointed glance to Draco's rounded stomach. "Where is Astoria, by the way?"

"Off shopping with her sister, I imagine," scoffed Draco. "She's staying the weekend with Daphne."

"Spending your money rather than earning it again?" Harry asked, an irritated edge to his voice. "At least tell me she's using the glamour, even though its effect will be diminished by the fact that she's out on the town when she's supposedly due to give birth in another few weeks."

"Yes, she's using the glamour. I made sure of that." Draco led the way to the door of Scorpius' room. "He should still be asleep."

Harry gathered Draco carefully in his arms and kissed him tenderly. Stepping back, he said, "You go get some rest. I'll take care of our son."


The arrangement worked for them, even if it was unsatisfactory. Because the wizarding world didn't accept same-sex bondings, Harry and Draco kept their relationship a secret. Each of them had married witches for whom the arrangement worked, as well. Astoria Greengrass had little interest in the marriage bed or children, but marrying a Malfoy had enabled her to enter a world of wealth and privilege. Ginny Weasley had her own secrets to keep, including a long-term affair with another woman. Her marriage to Harry was one of convenience for both of them. Only Ginny's immediate family knew that James, Albus and Lily were not her children. Harry had given birth to all three, and Draco Malfoy was their father. Similarly, Scorpius had been carried by Draco, and he was currently pregnant with his and Harry's fifth child. They continued to live in separate homes, but their Floos were connected at all times, and members of the family often visited back and forth.

Harry stepped quietly into Scorpius' room, smiling as he beheld his eight year-old son sound asleep in bed. He had a soft spot for Scorpius, simply because he looked so much like Draco. He and Draco had managed to get pregnant within a couple months of one another, so Scorpius and Albus were roughly the same age. The family jokingly referred to them as twins, despite the fact the boys looked nothing alike. However, they got along fabulously and pestered their fathers constantly to see one another.

Harry reached down to place his hand gently on Scorpius' forehead, only to find his son peering back at him with bleary blue eyes. "Dad?"

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Harry asked.

"Not too bad," Scorpius replied, struggling to sit up. "Papa wants me to stay in bed though. Did Albus come with you?"

Harry chuckled. "No, but once you're feeling better, he can come visit. He's already had the pixie pox, so it should be safe enough."

"But, I feel fine now," pouted the boy. His eyes suddenly widened, and he whispered, "Dad, I'm going to be sick."


Nearly an hour later, Harry trudged downstairs to find Draco reading in his favorite chair by the fire.

"How is Scorpius?"

Harry sat in the chair next to Draco's and sighed. "First, he whined because Al didn't come with me, then he got sick. I coaxed some potion into him and read his favorite story until he fell asleep."

"Poor thing."

"He'll be better soon."

"I meant you," Draco laughed.

"Prat," Harry chuckled, leaning his head wearily against the back of his chair. "Don't worry about me," he added. "I'm a veteran pixie pox warrior, having survived James and Albus going through a bout of it together."

"At least you had Ginny to help you," Draco pointed out. "Astoria wanted nothing to do with Scorpius, for fear she'd catch the pox herself, despite the fact she'd had it during her own childhood."

Harry grimaced and shook his head at that. Yawning, he remarked, "Now we need only see Lily through her plague of pox, as well as our next one once she's born." Harry slid from his chair and leaned close to Draco, resting his cheek lightly on Draco's stomach. "Daddy loves you, sweetie," he murmured.

Draco smiled softly and stroked his fingers through Harry's hair. "What shall we name her?"

Harry looked up. "How about Carina?"

Draco's breath caught. "That's beautiful," he replied. "And one of the constellations, as well. I'm surprised you thought of it."

"Ginny is the one who suggested it," Harry grinned.

"Tell her thank you."

A small chime sounded from above stairs. "That will be Scorpius," Harry sighed, rising to his feet. "Hopefully his fever has broken by now."


"No scratching, I said."

"But Dad, it itches," whined Scorpius, clenching his fingers in the bedding to keep from digging at his skin. He was over the fever and vomiting stage of the pixie pox and was now in healing mode, which meant the pox marks itched like mad.

"Let me put some more salve on it for you," Harry responded, setting aside the book he'd been reading to his son.

"It stinks," Scorpius proclaimed, his nose wrinkling.

"Would you rather stink or scratch?" Harry asked, brows raised above the rim of his glasses.

Scorpius giggled at that. "I'd rather stink, I reckon."

"I thought so," Harry grinned, reaching for the salve while Scorpius sat up and unbuttoned his pyjama top.


"Hi, Scorp!"

"Al! I was wondering when you would get here," Scorpius beamed.

Albus raced across the room and bounced onto his brother's bed. "Mum said we had to wait until you were feeling better before we could visit."

"Hello, Scorpius. How are you today?" Ginny asked from the doorway.

"Much better, thank you," Scorpius replied politely.

Ginny took the chair next to the bed and handed the boy a gift bag. "I've brought you a couple new books and some chocolate frogs," she said. "There may be a few novelty items from Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes in there as well, but if they cause trouble, I will deny all knowledge of them," she added with an impish grin.

"Thanks, Mum," Scorpius replied with an answering smirk. He was allowed to call Ginny 'Mum' in private, referring to Astoria as 'Mother' when she deigned to interact with him at all. "Are James and Lily here?"

"James is still downstairs, raiding the kitchen in hopes of filling his hollow leg," Ginny remarked. "Lily stayed home with her Grandma Molly, just in case you're still contagious."

"Who's causing trouble in here?" Harry asked as he entered the room with James.

"Mum!" both Albus and Scorpius chorused.

"Shall I send her to the dungeons?" Harry asked, striving to keep a straight face.

"No!" blurted James. "Mum's going to make pot roast for dinner."

"Thank you, James," Ginny laughed. "I appreciate your support. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll leave you men to do manly things while I go see if your papa needs help with anything." She exited Scorpius' room and made her way downstairs, finding Draco in the small reading room off the library. "You're looking well," Ginny commented.

"I feel like a cow," Draco sighed.

"Now I know where James gets his appetite," quipped Ginny.

Draco laughed and tossed a small pillow at her. "My appetite comes and goes right now," he said. "I really just want this pregnancy over with. I'm getting too old for this."

"Thirty-two is dreadfully old."

"So says the woman who just turned thirty-one," smirked Draco. The pillow came sailing back, hitting Draco in the shins.


Harry paused in the doorway of Draco's reading room, his heart warming at the sight of Draco and Ginny laughing freely together. Draco looked up and saw Harry standing there and gestured for him to join them. "Ginny was telling me of Lily's recent adventure at Grandma Molly's."

Harry shook his head. "She didn't want Molly to help her bake that cake. Lily wanted to do it all by herself. It's not easy to smile and say how wonderful something is when it's all you can do not to gag."

Ginny giggled. "You and Ron and George did an admirable job of eating that chocolate debacle."

"Where was the pregnant chocoholic when we needed him?" Harry teased.

Any protest Draco might have made was drowned by a shrill screeching noise from the floor above. Harry turned accusing eyes on his wife. "Ginevra Weasley-Potter, what did you give the boys to play with?!"


"Do you have to go?"

"Yes, son," Harry replied, ruffling Scorpius' blond hair. "I'll be back in a couple days to make sure you're all better and not driving your papa crazy. You be sure to keep an eye on him for me, alright?"

"Okay," Scorpius chirped, pleased to be entrusted with his papa's care.


"Do you have to go?"

"I'll be back soon," Harry murmured soothingly, drinking deeply of Draco's beloved scent. He held his lover in a loose embrace while Draco leaned into him with his cheek resting on Harry's shoulder. "I've assigned Scorpius to keep tabs on you and make sure you don't try to over do."

Draco chuckled and stepped back to meet Harry's eyes. "He'll take that duty very seriously, I fear. He's been mothering me for the past month as it is."

Harry snickered at that before saying, "Ginny has arranged to take the children to the Burrow this weekend, and I'll come and stay here with you until after the baby is born."

Draco leaned in again to nuzzle against Harry's neck. "Wasn't it the last time that Ginny took the children to the Burrow that resulted in my current predicament?"

"Indeed it was," Harry breathed, shifting in growing discomfort. "However, there's to be none of that sex nonsense this time."

Draco laughed at Harry's declaration. "Sex nonsense?" he echoed.

"You know how it is," Harry sighed. "Whenever we're alone together you can't keep your hands off me. That's how I got knocked up the duff three times in quick succession."

"Would you like to try for number four?"

"Draco Malfoy! Shame on you," scolded Harry, fighting to keep the grin off his face. "You're in no condition to be knocking anyone up the duff."

"Spoilsport," groused Draco.

Harry kissed him lightly. "We'll have plenty of sex after Carina is born and you've fully recovered."


"Absolutely," Harry nodded. "May I be struck with pixie pox if I'm lying."

Secrets to Keep

content: hurt/comfort, rating: pg13, content: next gen, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, gift, content: fluff, verse: secrets to keep

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