Birthday!fic: The first thing about girls

Feb 09, 2008 15:26

Title: The first thing about girls
Author: enchanted_jae
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 455
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for anthimaeria, whose request was for the color pink.
Summary: Draco is happily painting the

Draco hummed happily as he swished his wand, directing the various paint brushes as they magically painted the nursery. The color was a pale blue...perfect for a little boy. With his free hand, he rubbed the gentle swell of his stomach. Draco couldn't wait to become a parent. He was already envisioning teaching his son to fly and brew potions.

"Draco?" came Harry's voice from downstairs.

"Up here!" called Draco. "I'm in the nursery!" He smiled as he heard his husband's steps bounding up the stairs.

"Hey, sweetie," Harry was saying as he entered the room. "What are're painting the nursery blue?" he asked, a small frown marring his handsome features.

"It will be perfect for our son," Draco replied, smiling brightly.

"But...your appointment to find out what we're having isn't until tomorrow," Harry said, confusion evident on his face.

"I know," Draco shrugged, "but I really want a boy, and I'm convinced we'll have a son."

"Really?" Harry seemed surprised. "I sort of thought it would be fun to have a daughter."

"A girl?!" Draco cried. "We don't know the first thing about girls, Harry."

"I know they like the color pink," Harry said with a shrug. "And just think of all the cute little outfits we could dress her in," he added, eyes gleaming at the delightful thought.

"As wonderful as that sounds, I suggest you prepare to be disappointed," Draco declared.

"Maybe it's you who won't get your way for once," Harry countered. With a surreptitious wave of his wand, he turned the freshly painted walls in the nursery pink.

"Dammit, Harry!"


Harry sat impatiently in the waiting room of St Mungo's paternity wing. He was too restless to read any of the parenting magazines on the end table, so he sat tapping his foot until he caught the bloke across from him glaring at him pointedly. Chagrined, Harry forced himself to be still.

Draco entered the room a moment later, looking decidedly wan. Harry jumped to his feet and placed gentle hands on his husband's waist. "Are you alright, sweetie?" he asked in concern.

"Yes, yes I'm fine," Draco replied quietly. "I'm just...a little surprised, is all."

It occurred to Harry then that Draco must have been told he was carrying a daughter. Much as the thought delighted him, he instinctively wanted to comfort his husband. "Did you find out what we're having?" he asked, guiding Draco from the waiting room.

"Ye-es," Draco said slowly. Stopping in the corridor, he turned to face Harry and announced, "We're having a boy...and a girl."

One of each

Cross-posted to 40_n_naughty

content: fluff, gift, rating: pg, content: mpreg, subject: one-shot

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