Blank Space 44

Mar 08, 2019 21:38

Title: Blank Space 44
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Mpreg, strong suggestion
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 284 - purple
hp_bunintheoven March prompt - Clover baby outfit
Summary: Nap, interrupted

Draco's delightful doze was interrupted by loud pecking at the window. Instead of having a nap, followed by sex, he and Harry had gotten the sex out of the way first. Draco groaned and pulled a pillow over his head.

"Let that ruddy owl in," growled Harry.

"You're closer."

"I'm also pregnant."

"So am I!"

"Not as pregnant as I am."

Draco yanked the pillow down to glare at his husband. "You did not just go there."

Harry feigned a snore.

"Oh my god, you are such a Sally," Draco muttered as he clambered over Harry and stomped to the window. He opened it to admit a nondescript owl, which was carrying a package wrapped in purple paper. The owl dropped its parcel on the bed and flew out the window.

By the time Draco closed the window and turned back to the bed, Harry was sitting up and tearing at the wrapping paper.


Harry glanced up and grinned at him. "It was addressed to both of us."

Draco crawled back into bed and gestured for Harry to proceed. "Who's it from?" he asked.



"Do you know anyone else named Seamus?"


"There's a Seamus Burke?" asked Harry, tossing the purple wrapping aside.

"Focus, Harry," snapped Draco. "I was calling you a berk, you berk."

Harry snickered, revealing that he'd been tweaking Draco's tail deliberately. Having defeated the outer wrapping, he opened the lid of the box and pulled out a little green romper.

"Look, Draco. It's a clover baby outfit," he said, handing it over. "And, here's one with a leprechaun on it. Aren't they spiffing?"

Draco thought they were hideous, but he kept his opinion to himself. "We'll have to dress the children in them at some point, take a photo, and send it to Finnigan."

"That's a wonderful idea," said Harry. "I'm glad I thought of it."

"Berk," huffed Draco, swatting Harry with the clover romper.

Harry mock-growled and tackled Draco, knocking him back among the bedding and touching off another rousing round of sex. Later, as they lay among the wreckage of the sheets, Harry yawned and said, "I think another nap is in order.

Draco didn't disagree.

Blank Space 45

comm: hogwarts365, content: dialogue heavy/only, rating: pg13, comm: hp_bunintheoven, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, verse: blank space, content: bickering, content: humor

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