Grandbabies and Kittens

Mar 23, 2018 22:01

Title: Grandbabies and Kittens
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Mpreg, ire
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 235 - reverence
hp_bunintheoven March prompt - body pillow
Summary: Harry can't sleep, and it's all Draco's fault.

Harry couldn't sleep; he was too bloody uncomfortable. He flung an arm out, smacking his husband on the chest.

"Ow! Wha...Harry?"

"I can't sleep," grumbled Harry. "Would you get my body pillow for me?"

Draco groaned, but he obediently rolled out of bed and stumbled across the room to fetch Harry's pillow. "Where do you want it?" he asked.

"Next to me," Harry replied. "I want to try lying on my side."

Draco helped him get settled, pausing to stroke Harry's distended belly with reverence. "It won't be long now, yeah?"

Harry merely grunted in reply. He was uncomfortable, tired, cranky, and out of sorts. He had to bite his tongue to keep from snapping at Draco. It wasn't Draco's fault Harry was so miserable.


Wait a minute. Yes, it was.

"Piss off," said Harry, hugging the pillow closer to himself and flinging his leg over it. "Remind me to punch you in the face when I feel better."

"Of course, love."

Draco's easy agreement only made Harry more cross with him. "Don't patronize me," he snapped. "I feel like a cow, and I look like one, too, and it's all your fault."

"Terribly sorry, Harry."

"No, you're not, you arse."

Draco had the gall to chuckle as he climbed back into bed and spooned carefully up behind Harry. "You're beautiful," he whispered. "Our daughters are beautiful, too. We make beautiful babies. So no, I'm not sorry that you're carrying another one."

Harry sniffled.

"Are you crying?"

"No, that was a sniff of disgust," Harry lied, swiping at his eyes. He felt Draco smile against the back of his neck. Harry sighed. He did love Draco, he just hated being this pregnant.

"I hope this one is a boy," Harry muttered.

"He'll be a handsome boy."

"What if it's another girl, though?"

"Then we'll have another beautiful daughter," Draco replied.

"Your father will have kittens."

"The girls would love that."

Harry snickered at the thought of Genevieve and Gabrielle playing with kittens at the Manor. Even more amusing was the thought of Lucius Malfoy carefully tending said kittens. Visions of babies and kittens soothed him, and Harry was finally able to drift to sleep.

comm: hogwarts365, content: dialogue heavy/only, rating: pg13, comm: hp_bunintheoven, content: established relationship, content: mpreg, verse: grandbabies, content: kid(s)

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