Title: Disturbance 4 Follows
Disturbance 3Author:
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Harry, Draco, Gryffindors, ocs
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Drunken antics
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 196 - dirty
Summary: Harry's resolution doesn't last long.
Harry knew that attending Seamus' stag party wasn't a good idea, but he swore he'd limit his alcohol intake, thus avoiding another embarrassing visit from Auror Malfoy. Harry should have known better.
"Potter, get down from that table!"
Harry shot the barkeep a dirty look. "Piss off," he growled. "I'm dancing."
"Harry, maybe you should get down, mate," Ron pleaded.
"You piss off, too," said Harry, pointing at his friend. "Both of you. All of you can pish off!" he shouted. "Egg-cept for my best mate, Famous Shinnigan."
Seamus threw his head back and laughed. "Turn up the music, lads!" he cried. "Harry is going to dance for us."
Harry nodded and teetered before regaining his balance. He began to dance, then reached for the buttons on his shirt.
"Harry, don't you dare start taking your clothes off," warned Neville.
"Seamus needs a shtripper at his party," Harry declared, popping another button.
"Potter!" the barkeep yelled again. "If you don't get down from there, I'm contacting the DMLE!"
Harry made a rude gesture and continued dancing.
"I'm sorry, Mr Potter, but I need to take you to the Ministry now."
Harry fixed a bleary glare on the young, fresh-faced Auror in front of him. "Who're you?" he demanded.
"I'm Auror Will Dodd, sir."
"Piss off, Dillwad," said Harry. "No one gets to arrest me but Dorko Malfoy."
"That's Will Dodd, sir."
"Tha's what I said," Harry repeated carefully. He squinted up at the young Auror. "Isn't it past your bedtime, Dillwad? Are you old enough to be in this stablishment? Where's your mum?"
"Harry, maybe you should stop needling Auror Dodd."
"Shush, Ron. It's prolly past your bedtime, too. Where's Hermey?"
"Er, she's at-"
"Where's Seamus?!" Harry cried. "Happy bird day, Seamus!"
"It's my stag party, mate, not my birthday."
Harry beamed at the guest of honor. "Happy stag day, Seamus!"
"Get that twat out of my pub," the barkeep insisted.
"Who're you calling a twat, twat?" Harry snarled. "Arrest that man, Auror Dillwad."
"Potter, what did I tell you about getting pissed on my shift?"
Harry cringed and looked up into Malfoy's stern countenance.
"Bloody hell," he stage-whispered. "It's Malfoy. Someone hide me, quick."