Dragon Brew 2

May 09, 2017 20:08

Title: Dragon Brew 2
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco, ocs
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): UST
Word count: 635
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Birthday gift for adafrog, who asked for more of Dragon Brew with the prompts kitten, puppy, scone
hp_coffeehouse Prompt No. 2 - Black as night, sweet as sin
Summary: Harry returns to Dragon Brew.

Two days went by before Harry had both the time and the opportunity to visit Dragon Brew again. He was pleased to see that business seemed to be brisk for Malfoy. Harry walked up to the door and held it open for a pair of elderly witches as they exited with to-go cups of coffee in hand.

"Thank you, Auror," one of them responded with a bright smile.

"Ethel!" hissed the other. "That's Auror Potter!"

"Ladies," Harry nodded. He sidled inside before they could offer to introduce him to their granddaughters.

Once again, Harry paused inside to savor the aromas of coffee, biscuits, and scones. In addition to coffee and nibbles, Malfoy now had some merchandise for sale. There were shirts that featured the shop's logo, along with a dragon that cavorted across the front, and to-go mugs with I ♥ Dragon Brew on them.

"Admiring the goods, Potter?"

That posh voice caused Harry's cock to twitch. He cleared his throat and approached the counter, glad his uniform covered all the pertinent bits.

"If you buy a to-go mug today, I'll fill it for free," said Malfoy. "Afterward, if you bring your mug back, you'll receive a discount."

"That's a fantastic idea, Malfoy," said Harry. "I would like a mug, please."

Malfoy Summoned one to him with a flick of his wand. "What kind of coffee would you like to try today?" he asked.

Harry took a breath and braved the dizzying selection posted on the board behind the counter. The names of various brews were listed, along with a brief description. One in particular caught Harry's eye. "I'll try a Long Black with a shot of sweet creamer," he said.

Malfoy's brows rose. "That's quite adventurous of you," he commented. "Still a Gryffindor, I see."

"It was the description on the board that sold me," Harry told him, grinning a little. This seemed almost like flirting.

Malfoy looked over his shoulder and read aloud in his sexy voice, "Black as night, sweet as sin."

Harry's cock throbbed, and he very nearly moaned out loud. "Yeah," he said gruffly. "That-that's the one I want to try."

Malfoy smiled and took the coffee mug to prepare Harry's order. As Harry was waiting, a group of boisterous teens came in.

"Oy, what's the hold up?" one of them jeered. "We're thirsty!"

Harry turned to face the brash youth and subjected him to a steely-eyed glare. The entire shop went silent as Harry's magic skirled through the room, raising chill bumps on everyone's skin. "Mind your manners," he said softly.

The boy gulped and nodded. "Y-yes, sir," he mumbled.

Harry gave him a curt nod in return and purposefully turned his back on him. He didn't often let his magic out to play like that, but it was really rather fun when he did.

Malfoy's color was high when he returned to the counter with Harry's Long Black. He might have been angry at the teens, embarrassed that Harry had saved the day again, or possibly aroused. Harry fervently hoped it was the latter. He accepted his coffee and paid for it, then dropped the change in the jar on the counter.

Your change can change the life of a puppy or a kitten or a bowtruckle, indicated the script on the jar. Harry recognized Luna's handwriting, as well as the name of the animal shelter she ran with her husband. He was inspired to fish out another Galleon and drop it in the jar.

"Hufflepuff," Malfoy taunted.

Harry saluted him with his mug and turned to walk out. One of the teenage girls giggled as he walked by. It wasn't until he was across the street that Harry realized why. The script on his mug now read I ♥ Draco Malfoy.

Dragon Brew 3

verse: dragon brew, rating: pg13, content: pre-slash, profession: auror(s), content: flirting, comm: hp_coffeehouse, content: ust, gift: birthday

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