Dragon Brew 3

Jun 19, 2017 20:59

Title: Dragon Brew 3
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, Draco, ofc
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 581
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: hp_coffeehouse Prompt No. 3 - Coffee, because adulting is hard
Summary: Harry plans to take Malfoy to task, only to get schooled.

The travel mug that Harry bought from Malfoy at Dragon Brew thwarted every effort to fix the script. It had said I ♥ Dragon Brew when Harry chose it, only to change to I ♥ Draco Malfoy by the time he left the coffee house. Harry finally gave up on it, and he stoically endured the taunting that came with his new mug. He would address the issue with Malfoy the next time he saw him.

At the end of the week, Harry had the opportunity to visit Dragon Brew again. Once more, he paused inside of the busy shop and inhaled the fragrant aroma of coffee and baked goods. Harry scanned the merchandise for sale. There were other I ♥ Dragon Brew mugs for sale, but oddly enough, none that proclaimed the user loved Draco Malfoy.

Harry saw some new shirts for sale, including one that said Coffee, because adulting is hard. He chuckled at the sentiment, then schooled his features into a stern expression and marched up to the counter. Harry was momentarily flustered when a chipper young woman stepped up to wait on him.

"Erm, where is Malfoy?" Harry asked.

"Mr Malfoy is baking more scones," she replied. "May I help you?"

"Not unless you're prepared to handle a complaint from an Auror," Harry said quietly.

Her eyes grew wide. "I'll just fetch Mr Malfoy," she squeaked.

Harry nodded politely to the other customers in the shop as he awaited Malfoy.

"Potter, why are you harassing my help?"

Harry turned back around to see Malfoy scowling at him from behind his counter. In answer, Harry held up his altered mug. "What is the meaning of this?"

Malfoy peered at the mug. His eyebrows shot up, and then his lips curled in a smug grin. "Why, Potter, I didn't know you cared."

Warmth suffused Harry's face. "I didn't do this," he hissed.

"Ah, I see," said Malfoy. "It should be simple enough to fix; even an Auror-in-training could manage it."

"It can't be fixed," Harry grumbled. "I've tried."

Malfoy's expression turned grave. "This is dark magic, indeed."


"The entire DMLE should keep an eye on that young witch," said Malfoy, confusing Harry further. "She bears watching."

"Wha...? Who?!" sputtered Harry.

Malfoy met his eyes and blinked. "That giggling teenage girl who was here the last time you were," he explained. "I reckon she was laughing about your mug."

Harry blinked back at Malfoy. "You think she's the one who did this?"

"Who else would have?" Malfoy countered, shrugging. "Now, what may I get you, Auror Potter? Another Long Black? How about one of our shirts?"

"I...erm, yeah...yes, that will be fine," said Harry. He was still back on his heels, not sure if Malfoy was taking the mickey out of him or not. Harry paid for his coffee and the shirt, then dropped his change in the jar for Luna's animal shelter.

"Thank you for stopping by, Auror Potter," said Malfoy.

Harry raised his mug in a distracted salute and left Dragon Brew. He paused outside, wondering what the bloody hell had just happened. Harry chuckled and shook his head before returning to the Ministry. His coffee was gone by the time he reached his office. Harry tossed the shirt over the spare chair in front of his desk, only to do a double take.

He read the shirt's script again and laughed out loud. It now said Coffee, because Auroring is hard.

Dragon Brew 4

content: humor, verse: dragon brew, rating: pg, content: pre-slash, profession: auror(s), comm: hp_coffeehouse

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