Gift!fic; HumpDay101 #4 (angst week)

Apr 19, 2011 21:50

Title: Relapse
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Eating disorder, mild angst
Word count: 600
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Gift for freebellamy for becoming Friend #900. OMG, how long ago was that?! *head desk* The request was for Draco with anorexia/bulimia, supportive!Harry
hump_day101 Prompt #4 (angst week) - the replacement
Summary: Draco has had a rough day.

Harry returned home earlier than usual, and his unexpected arrival was greeted with the sound of footsteps running down the hall, followed by the slamming of the bathroom door. Concerned, Harry padded quietly down the hall and paused outside the bathroom. The noise of retching from within confirmed his suspicions.

Harry removed his glasses and rubbed a weary hand over his face. Draco had responded so well to his therapy, but apparently, he'd had a relapse today. Harry walked away to give his boyfriend some privacy. He entered the kitchen, where he was confronted with solid evidence of Draco's regression. An opened package of chocolate biscuits was on the table, half of its contents gone. An empty bag that had contained crisps was next to the biscuits, along with a box of donuts. Harry sighed and began to clean up the remnants of Draco's binge eating.

Draco joined Harry in the kitchen, head down and eyes averted. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

Harry set the box of donuts aside and took his boyfriend in his arms. "There's no need to apologize, love," he said. Draco burrowed against him, and Harry rubbed soothing circles on his back. "Did you have a rough day?" he asked.

Draco had been suffering from bulimia even before Harry had first asked him out, but it had taken him awhile to realize his boyfriend had an eating disorder. Draco's weight didn't seem to fluctuate, and it was only when Harry had joked to Hermione about the amount of snacks Draco consumed that his friend had brought up the possibility of an eating disorder. Once Hermione told Harry what to look for, it hadn't taken him long to identify Draco's malady.

As Hermione explained it, the trauma Draco had endured under Voldemort's reign, combined with the sudden death of his parents and his own perceived lack of control in his life, had likely led to his eating disorder. His compulsive eating was an effort to replace what was missing in his life. Binging was followed by guilt and self-recrimination, which led to purging.

Following Hermione's advice, Harry had convinced Draco to join a support group. His boyfriend had balked at first, but Harry had been persistent. Draco's condition had improved, but he still experienced an occasional relapse. It didn't help matters that each time Draco proclaimed himself cured, he stopped attending his therapy sessions.

"Today was Mum's birthday," Draco mumbled against Harry's shirt.

Harry hugged him tighter. "I didn't know that," he said. If he had, he would have arranged to stay home with Draco. "Would you like to take some flowers to her crypt?"

Draco stepped back and gave Harry a weak smile. "I'd like that, yeah," he nodded.

"Alright, love," said Harry. "Go get your cloak, and we can visit your mum's crypt." Draco exited the kitchen with a bit more verve than he had displayed when he first came in, lifting Harry's spirits. Draco's bulimia frightened him, and there were times when he wanted to shake his boyfriend and lecture him. However, Harry knew that what Draco needed was compassion, understanding and support. For that reason, Harry would not mention Draco's episode today. Tomorrow, however, he would bring up the subject of therapy and encourage Draco to begin attending again.

Draco returned to the kitchen, buttoning up his cloak.

"Are you ready, love?" asked Harry.

"Yes," replied Draco, walking forward to link his arm with Harry's. He paused to regard Harry for a moment before dropping his gaze. "Thank you, Harry," he said. "For everything."

gift, rating: pg, comm: hump_day101, content: established relationship, content: angst

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