No Intentions

Apr 20, 2011 22:56

Title: No Intentions
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, Ron
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): DUB-CON, explicit sex
Word count: 1125
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: A birthday gift for irresistableplx, who asked for top!Harry/prisoner!Draco.
Summary: Harry takes unwitting advantage of his prisoner.

Harry and Ron huddled in the shadows across the street from Borgin & Burkes. Each was under a powerful Notice-Me-Not charm as they conducted surveillance on the shop. A dangerous artefact was rumored to be within, but it was a rumor started by the DMLE. Several dark artefacts had gone missing recently, and the Aurors were hoping to catch the perpetrator in the act.

The night was chilly, but at least it hadn't rained. Yet.

Surveillance was interrupted by the appearance of an otter Patronus. "Ron, I need you," it spoke in Hermione's voice. "I'm going into labor."

The Patronus dissipated, and Ron's glamour shimmered. "Shit!" he swore.

"Go," said Harry. "Hermione needs you."

"Are you sure, mate?"

"I'll call for back up if necessary," Harry assured his friend.

Ron nodded and dashed away before Disapparating.

Harry hoped the commotion had occurred early enough that it hadn't scared away their target. Resolved to see the surveillance through, he settled in to wait.


Shortly after midnight, Harry's diligence paid off. A hooded figure, cloaked in black, approached Borgin & Burkes in a furtive manner. After glancing around, the figure opened the door with a spell and slipped inside. Harry strengthened his Notice-Me-Not charm and followed.

Wand at the ready, Harry stealthily entered the shop. As soon as he saw the intruder reaching for a shelf, Harry cried out, "Imobilius!" He brought up the lights and approached the cloaked figure.

"Department of Magical Law Enforcement," Harry said in clipped tones. "Auror Potter," he identified himself. Harry flicked back the intruder's hood and took a step back in surprise. "Malfoy?!"

Gray eyes flashed angrily at Harry, but Malfoy was unable to speak. Harry withdrew a set of Auror regulation handcuffs from his robe and secured Malfoy's hands behind his back before removing the spell that held him immobile.

"Potter, what do you think you're doing?!"

Harry couldn't believe Malfoy's audacity. "You've just been caught breaking and entering, and you have the gall to demand to know what I'm doing?" he scoffed. He leaned closer, getting into his prisoner's face. "What were you planning to steal, Malfoy?"

"I had no intentions of taking anything," Malfoy protested.

"Then why break in?"

Malfoy heaved a sigh. "I didn't want to take anything," he repeated. "I was going to leave something behind."

Harry frowned. "I don't understand," he said.

"I've been attempting to discreetly rid the Manor of any remaining dark artefacts," said Malfoy. "I cannot simply destroy such objects without raising an alarm. The most logical place to abandon them seemed to be Borgin & Burkes."

"That's absurd," Harry said.

"There's a sphere in my pocket," Malfoy told him. "See for yourself."

Harry wasn't about to fall for any tricks. Instead, he backed up a pace and called out, "Accio, sphere!"

A translucent ball levitated from Malfoy's pocket and floated to Harry's outstretched hand. "This doesn't seem dangerous," he said, turing the object this way and that. "It reminds me of a Rememberall."

"Whatever you do, don't-"

Harry twisted the upper half of the sphere, releasing a filmy cloud.

" it," Malfoy finished too late. "Potter, you imbecile!"

Harry was about to upbraid Malfoy for the insult when he was suddenly besieged with a fit of lust. He grabbed Malfoy's cloak and yanked him close, frotting against his prisoner. Malfoy didn't resist. He groaned and arched into Harry, prodding him in the hip with the hardness at his own groin.

When merely rubbing against one another wasn't enough, Harry spun Malfoy around and pushed him over the counter. He shoved Malfoy's cloak up and pawed at his prisoner's trousers until he was able to unfasten them and tug them down, exposing Malfoy's pale arse.

"Hurry," panted Malfoy, trying to spread his legs despite the clothing bunched around his thighs.

Harry fumbled his trousers open, freeing his cock. He conjured lubricant into his palm, smeared it over his erection, then penetrated Malfoy with a rude poke.

Malfoy cried out, but he made no attempt to escape. He thrust back, forcing Harry deeper into his body and undulating his hips.

Harry had participated in some furtive couplings before, but never before had it been so raw and dirty and wrong. He buggered Malfoy right there in the dimly lit shop, grunting with the effort of fucking him as hard and fast as he could. Malfoy was a willing participant, arching into each savage stroke as short, sharp gasps fell from his lips.

"Touch me, you arsehole," snarled Malfoy.

Belatedly, Harry realized his prisoner's hands were still cuffed behind him, rendering Malfoy unable to pleasure himself. Harry grabbed Malfoy's prick on the second try and slammed his fist up and down the throbbing length. Harry climaxed first, grinding himself into Malfoy's hot hole and inadvertently squeezing Malfoy's thick cock.

Malfoy keened and shuddered in front of Harry, and his prick jerked in Harry's hand.

Harry sagged limply against his prisoner until he regained his senses. He withdrew from Malfoy quickly, drawing a hiss of discomfort from him, and scrambled to put himself to rights. He was at a loss to explain his despicable behavior. "Malfoy, I-"

"Do you rape all of your prisoners, Potter?"

"No!" blurted Harry. "I don't know what came over me. I never-"

"I told you not to open the sphere," said Malfoy, straightening with a wince. "It contained dark magic--the sort that Death Eaters used to gain their victims' cooperation."

Harry was shocked at his own behavior, dark magic notwithstanding. "I had no-"

"Yes, Potter, I know. You had no intentions of forcing yourself on me," sighed Malfoy. "Just as I had no intentions of allowing it. We were both caught up in the spell. Release my hands so I may get dressed," he said.

It never occurred to Harry not to do as Malfoy requested; he was still too discombobulated.

"I've a bargain for you, Potter," said Malfoy as he zipped up his trousers. "You won't reveal that you caught me with a dark artefact on my person, and I won't mention how you took advantage of my person."

Harry didn't take long to consider it. He drew his wand, sketched a sigil in the air and demanded Malfoy shake on the deal.

Malfoy drew his hood up once more and turned to go. "So long, Potter."



"The next time you wish to dispose of a dark artefact, bring it to the Ministry and relinquish it via the proper channels," said Harry.

Malfoy gave a stilted nod and said, "You never know, Potter. Perhaps I will."

content: top!harry, gift: birthday, profession: auror(s), content: partially clothed sex, rating: nc17, content: dub-con

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