Fusion 3

Apr 04, 2011 22:02

Title: Fusion 3
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, creature!fic, bondage, use of toys, pwp
Word count: 875
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for misplaced_exile, who asked for any top!Harry vampire arc. This is from my Fusion verse.
Summary: Draco pays for being pushy.

Harry had quite the variety of toys in his box. After utilizing some of the items to restrain Draco and tease him with feathers, Harry began introducing other toys into their bed. He didn't do so every night, because he wanted to surprise Draco whenever one of the items was brought into play.

On this night, Draco was already naked and waiting for Harry when the vampire arose from his daylight sleep. As Harry approached the bed, Draco unconsciously spread his legs. "Are you eager for me, my little morsel?" chuckled Harry.

"I'm so eager for you, it hurts," said Draco. "Please don't make me wait."

"Pushy bottoms must be punished," Harry said.

Draco opened his mouth to protest, thought better of it, and closed his mouth with only a soft whine of impatience. Draco perked up, however, at the sight of the wooden box Harry retrieved. The box meant toys, and Draco loved toys.

Harry withdrew a pair of handcuffs from the box. "Raise your arms," he said. When Draco obeyed, Harry snapped a cuff on his lover's right wrist, looped the other around a spindle of the head board and snapped the loose cuff on Draco's left wrist. If anything, Draco's legs had opened wider, and Harry grinned in anticipation of what he planned to do next.

Draco tested the restraints, tugging them gently. He wondered if Harry would use the nipple clamps on him again. That had been one of the best orgasms of Draco's life. Instead, Harry withdrew a slender plug from the box. Draco's rim fluttered in expectation of being breached by the smooth toy.

"Legs up," Harry instructed. Draco drew his legs up, and Harry drew a circle around his lover's twitching hole with the end of the plug. Draco shifted his hips, as if seeking to impale himself on the solid object. "Are you being pushy again?" scolded Harry.

Draco stilled. "No," he replied, almost too quickly.

Harry's smirk showed his fangs. He teased his lover for another moment, then he abruptly pushed the smooth plug past Draco's rim and pressed it as deep as it would go. Only the small handle protruded, and Harry brushed his fingers over it, searching for the tiny button on the side. Harry located the button and flicked it on.

Draco arched up off the bed as the slender plug began to vibrate inside of him. "Harry!" he gasped.

"Do you like that, morsel?" Harry asked.

Draco groaned in response, body twisting helplessly on the bed.

Harry stood up and headed for the door. He paused with his hand on the knob. "I'll just leave you to it, shall I?"

Draco blinked in disbelief when Harry left. He was alone and naked, cuffed to the bed with a vibrating plug up his arse and no way to relieve the exquisite ache in his cock and balls. Draco whined in frustration as his hips made small, involuntary thrusting motions. How long he lay there like that, he didn't know, but Harry eventually returned.

"Have you learned your lesson, morsel?"

"Yes, yes!" Draco almost sobbed.

Harry rejoined him on the bed and pulled on the plug with deliberate slowness. He pushed it back in and gave it a twist, and Draco jolted at the sensation. Finally, mercifully, Harry withdrew the plug completely and dropped it on the floor. He thrust his swollen cock into Draco's quivering hole and bent his head to sink his fangs into his lover's throat.

Draco came almost immediately. His body shook with the force of his orgasm as his muscles tightened and released in hard contractions. Harry remained still above him as he concentrated on drawing the blood from Draco's vein, leaving it up to Draco to frot against him as ecstasy shimmered through him in waves. Draco wilted back onto the bed with a feeble moan, certain that he would die some day in the throes of the pleasure that Harry gave him.

Harry raised his head and pressed his fingers to the twin punctures in Draco's throat to close them. He then applied himself to the task of plunging in and out of Draco's slick heat as he sought his own peak.

Another, smaller orgasm seized Draco in its grip, and he writhed on the bed and whimpered as his body strained to ejaculate again. His eyes rolled back in his head, and he was only marginally aware of Harry still moving on him and inside of him. Draco blinked his eyes open in time to feel the hot pulses of Harry's release fill him.

Harry climaxed with a low groan, twisting his hips to grind himself deep. His weight pressed down on Draco as he relaxed. Harry licked the last of the blood from his lover's throat before nipping at Draco's ear. "Did you enjoy that, my little morsel?"

"Had I enjoyed it any more, I'd be dead," mumbled Draco.

Harry chortled as he withdrew from his lover. "No one ever died from too much good sex," he said, "although I'm willing to put that theory to the test."

content: use of toy(s), content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: bondage, rating: nc17, creature: vampire

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