Maladies and Marauders

Mar 26, 2011 14:30

Title: Maladies and Marauders
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 1100
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: A birthday gift for sabinefrappe, with a prompt of Marauder's Map
Summary: The Headmaster has his ways.

Harry slouched back behind his desk and drummed the fingers of his right hand on the arm of his chair. He was feeling randy, but Professor Malfoy had been successfully avoiding him for days. Harry knew it was all a game; Malfoy loved a good buggering, but he also enjoyed winding Harry up by playing hard to get.

"Where are you, Malfoy?" Harry muttered aloud. The Sorting Hat harrumphed from its perch on a shelf, but the portraits held their silence. Harry's brows drew down in irritation. If he wasn't able to slake his lust on Malfoy tonight, he might very well be forced to storm Potions class tomorrow and shag the professor over his desk, in full view of his students.

Harry straightened abruptly and thunked his forehead with the heel of his hand. "Of course!" he laughed, launching upright and striding to one of the many bookshelves in his office. It had been so long since he'd utilized the Marauder's Map that he'd all but forgotten about it. Harry retrieved the map from between the pages of a dusty old tome and returned to perch on the corner of his desk. He drew his wand, pointed it at the map and said, "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

The Sorting Hat snorted again, but Harry ignored it. Instead, he focused on the image of Hogwarts and the surrounding grounds as it appeared. After several minutes of fruitless searching, Harry cast a spell to illuminate Draco Malfoy's name in green. The name glowed at once, drawing Harry's eyes to Greenhouse Number Three. "Mischief managed," he beamed, before putting the map away.


"Professor Malfoy, what a pleasant surprise."

Malfoy stiffened before turning to face Harry. "It is, indeed, a surprise to see you here, Headmaster," he said. "What brings you to the greenhouses?"

Harry allowed his eyes to travel slowly up and down Malfoy's body. The professor's robe was hanging from a hook, and he was dressed only in casual trousers and a shirt with the sleeves rolled up. Harry's gaze returned to Malfoy's face in time to see him lick his lips, and he smirked at the Potions professor. "My cock is painfully hard, and I came here to alleviate the ache," he smirked.

Malfoy's breathing quickened, yet still he played coy. "There is, perhaps, some ingredient here I can brew into a potion for you," he said.

"That will take too long," Harry said, stalking closer. "I have no need to ingest a potion when there's relief to be found between your legs."

"I say, Potter," Malfoy protested, drawing himself up to his full height. "I am gathering ingredients for my class tomorrow, and I haven't the time to indulge your base desires."

Harry said only, "That's Headmaster Potter." He continued his deliberate approach, eventually backing Malfoy up to a table and crowding against him. Harry rubbed their groins together, delighted to feel Malfoy hard and swollen. "It seems you suffer from the same malady, Malfoy. Have you been thinking of me when you wank at night?"

"No," breathed Malfoy, arching into Harry.

"Your voice lacks conviction," said Harry. His fingers found the button at the top of Malfoy's trousers and undid it before sliding the professor's zip down. Harry hooked his thumbs in the waistband of Malfoy's trousers and pants and dragged the garments off his hips.

"Potter," Malfoy protested faintly.

"Up you go," Harry said, urging Malfoy to sit on the table behind him. Malfoy obeyed, and Harry tugged the professor's shoes off and completely divested him of trousers and pants. He parted Malfoy's knees and moved to stand between his thighs. Harry retrieved a small vial of lubricant from his pocket and poured it over two fingers on his right hand.

Malfoy leaned back and scooted his lower half forward, grunting when Harry's fingers plunged into his waiting body. Malfoy's hips undulated as he fucked himself on Harry's fingers. "Now," he demanded.

"Suddenly impatient, are you?" taunted Harry, massaging Malfoy's prostate.

"I have...oh god...I have work to do," Malfoy panted.

Harry chuckled and undid his trousers awkwardly with his left hand. He pulled his cock free and withdrew his fingers from Malfoy's greedy grasp. Harry wiped the excess lubricant over the head of his prick before nudging into place at Malfoy's loosened entrance. He pushed his hips forward, impaling Malfoy and groaning at the sensation of being encased in Malfoy's tight heat. Malfoy's limbs wrapped around Harry--legs winding around his waist and arms looping over his shoulders as Malfoy sought to take Harry deeper.

Harry responded with a couple hard thrusts, embedding himself fully in his lover's slick hole. Malfoy gasped and let his head fall back, and Harry seized the opportunity to suck a love bite into the pale skin of Malfoy's throat.

"Arsehole," Malfoy muttered.

"Headmaster Arsehole," Harry corrected, pulling out and ramming in deep once more. Malfoy jolted in his arms and mewled with pleasure. Harry didn't waste any more breath on talking. He repeated the motions of pulling out and driving in until he'd established a quick, hard rhythm designed to get them both off quickly.

One of Malfoy's hands slid down between their bodies to wank himself as they shagged. He drummed Harry's arse with his heels, ensuring that Harry wouldn't sit comfortably tomorrow, either. Malfoy's knees jerked up higher an instant before he came with a shouted cry of release.

Harry smeared Malfoy's ejaculate between them as he continued pounding between the professor's trembling thighs. His own climax spiraled outward from the base of his spine, causing his back to tense and his cock to twitch and pulse inside of Malfoy's clenching hole.

Harry slumped forward, bearing Malfoy to his back on the dirty table.



Malfoy squirmed briefly until Harry pushed against him harder, stilling his struggles. Malfoy subsided beneath him with a put-upon sigh and let his legs fall to dangle over the edge of the table.

"You've been hiding from me," Harry accused without bothering to open his eyes. His cock was softening and would soon slip free of his lover's body. Harry sought to prolong their connection by wriggling his hips higher between Malfoy's legs.

"I've been busy," said Malfoy, absently stroking Harry's forearm with his fingertips. His fingers paused. "How did you find me?" he asked.

Harry opened his eyes finally to grin down at Malfoy, and he quipped, "The Headmaster has his ways."

Lesson Plan

content: top!harry, gift: birthday, verse: headmaster harry, content: partially clothed sex, content: table sex, rating: nc17, profession: professor(s)

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